The Big Day

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The following morning, Adryn woke up from a peaceful sleep. She sat up in bed and stretched. She had no headache or any other pains from the night of drinking and she felt completely relaxed. However, that all came crashing down when she remembered the one detail that slipped her mind.

"HOLY FUCK I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" Adryn burst out loudly, causing Eclipse next to her to jolt so hard she fell out of bed.

"Why are you yelling!?" Eclipse snapped as she got up from the ground. She was about to yell more, but the panic-stricken face that Adryn was now wearing answered her question.

"I'm getting married today! What time is it? How late did we sleep in?!" Adryn was in full-blown panic mode.

"Don't worry, it can't be too late in the day, besides, you're getting married later in the day. So everything will be alright." Eclipse reassured the panicking girl. That moment, Mirajane and Nova entered the room.

"We heard screaming? Is everything okay?" Mirajane questioned as she looked at the two girls in the room.

"Why do you look so scared, Adryn?" Nova questioned as she looked to her friend.

"We... I... ready?" Adryn's sentence was so broken up and missing a few words, making it so that no one could understand her.

"Calm down, and try that again." Eclipse stated as she climbed back into bed and patted Adryn's back.

"We need to get ready, right? I need to get my dress. We all need our dresses. We need to get my child."

"Mira, you go get Serenity and Evergreen and then return here so we all can get ready together." Eclipse took control and Mirajane nodded her head to her orders. She was out the door as soon as she found her shoes. "Nova, you go find the makeup that I have in the bathroom. All of it. We'll need to doll ourselves up in time."

"Okay, got it!" Nova was then off to collect all the makeup she could find.

"Now Adryn, you need to calm down. This all will go well and you need to remain as calm as possible."

"I don't think I can do that," Adryn muttered as she put her face in her hands. She was breathing heavily and beginning to cry as well. It was clear she was on the verge of a panic attack.

"You need to remain calm!"

"Yelling at me won't help!" Adryn snapped back at Eclipse. Eclipse sighed and nodded her head.

"Sorry, but listen, you're getting married to the man you love today, there's nothing to be worried or nervous over."

"I get that, I just am freaking out! I don't know why!"

"You've been through so much in your life, this is nothing compared to all of that." Eclipse put her hands on Adryn's shoulders and put her forehead against hers. "This is nothing, but everything at the same time. You can get through this. Just try to calm down a bit. It won't do you any good to freak out now." Adryn stared into Eclipse's eyes and sighed to herself. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths before opening them back up.

"Okay, I think... I think I'm good. I'm still nervous, but I'm not going to panic anymore." Adryn finally responded after a minute of being in silence.

"Alright, good. Now, let's get you all ready to get ready. Go now. Shoo, shoo." Eclipse very literally pulled Adryn out of bed and pushed her towards the bathroom to clean up and get ready to get ready. Nova had already set up all the makeup in the kitchen on the table. So, Eclipse went over to her sister and began to sort through the makeup to see which ones would work for which person.

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