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Minna's POV

Today we had the dance class for the first period. Since Every student is supposed to choose an extra club other then the compulsory subjects in the major courses.
I went in and sat down. Only a few seconds later i felt someone sit next to me.
I turned my head to see... Taehyung.
I rolled my eyes in annoyance and started playing with my phone.
"Your boyfriend is actually a nice guy", I heard his mocking voice.
"Yeah... i seriously wonder how he's a nice guy", I blurted. Playing along.
"Oh c'mon... He is not that bad", He nudged my arm.
"What the heck do you want? He's not my boyfriend so shut up!", I whined in irritation.
"So what? I don't care if he's your boyfriend or not", His words making me glare at him as he shrugged.
"Boy! You really need some mental help!", I scoffed.
Right then, the dance teacher entered.
"Welcome to the new session everyone! So starting today you've to pair up and choose your partner since there will be a small competition between you all. It's just for a little fun and testing of your creativity. You'll be judged upon your own choreographic moves, and for today's class i'll let you decide and choose your partners! You may start now", Mr Lee spoke. Every year, the teacher changes, judging according to different levels.
"Okay... this is something new", Taehyung said.
"Who are you gonna partner with?", I asked with curiosity.
He looked at me as if i had asked something dumb.
"W-what?", I asked.
"I don't even know anyone here accept you. Ofcourse you- ," He got cut off by a female class mate.
"Oppa~ i was wondering if you'd be my partner?", She asked with fakeness that could be easily heard by even a dumbest person.
Taehyung also had a very weird expression on his face. It was really hard to control my laughter at the view in front of me. Watching as if it was the most amusing sight ever.
Taehyung awkwardly cleared his throat and looked the girl in the eye, who had full hope that he'll say yes to her.
"No... i already have a partner", He answered shortly.
"Oh is it so? Then maybe we can be partners for the next project"
"Mhm.. we'll see", He replied and quickly turned back to me, silently signalling the girl to leave, and gladly she did.
And finally i could laugh a little to which Taehyung glared at me.
"What's wrong 'Oppa'? Aren't you gonna pair up with her?", i teased.
"Shut up!", He hissed playfully, making me only giggle more.
"Who's your partner by the way?", I questioned.
"Ofcourse YOU.. who else?", He shrugged and i paused.
"Wait what? Me?!!"
"Duh! I clearly said it! Yes you!", He rolled his eyes at me.
"Tch! It's my bad then!", i teased him but deep inside i was Somewhat excited to be his dance partner.
"What if you don't dance well? I'll lose for nothing"
"Speak for yourself, honey! I can do it better than most of them here"
"Oooohh~ confident are we now, huh?"
"Okay then! Let's do this!", I said and we talked about the song and choreo for the rest of the period.

*Next day*

The day went by as per the schedule. The school ended for the day. Taehyung and I took our things from our lockers and went outside where we got greeted by Bomin.
"Hey Min! What're you up to now?", Bomin asked but stopped once he noticed Taehyung next to me.
"We are heading to my place for the dance practice", Taehyung replied.
"Dance practice?", Bomin questioned.
"Oh right! We have a small dance competition and we got be partners so yeah... we gotta practice alot since it's due in three days", I explained.
"Can i tag along?", He insisted. I glanced at Taehyung.
"Uhh...", i was cut off by Taehyung.
"You're gonna get bored so it's better if you don't", He spoke coldly, making me nudge him in the elbow.
He turned to glare at me.
Bomin grabbed my arm and pulled a little farther from Taehyung before speaking.
"I don't trust him for now. It's either i come along or you're not going with him. I mean you just fought with him yesterday and now he's acting all fine", He spoke with a serious tone.
I sighed and nodded, making my way back to Taehyung.
"Sorry to burst your bubble! But he's coming along", I told him with a straight face.
I saw making an annoyed face.
"Whatever... Let's get going now!", Taehyung frustratedly agreed.
"Oh wait! Can we stop at my place first? I gotta change my clothes in something comfy first", I spoke.
"What?! No!", Taehyung replied.
"Go on your own then!", I shrugged.
"Ugh!! You're too much! Fine let's go", he glared at me as we sat in his car and drove off.
After a few minutes of driving, we arrived at my place and the whole ride was full of Taehyung and Bomin bickering while choosing the songs.
"Ah! Who's that?", Bomin spoke, pointing at my door.
Someone stood there and had their back towards us. It was a girl that's all we could make out.
"No idea.. let's check it out", I said as we got off the car and paced towards the door.
As if she had heard us approaching she turned around and i froze.
"A-Anna?!!", I blurted.
She smiled and ran towards me, hugging me real tight which i returned instantly.
"When did you come back?", I asked as we parted and faced each other.
"Few hours ago! I came here as soon as the flight landed. How have you been?!!", She explained.
"Oh my gosh! You should have called or texted me atleast!! And i am fine but i missed you so much!!", i complained.
"Sorry... i just wanted to surprise you that i am back For good now", she smiled slightly. Her gaze went behind me.
"Oh my!! Bomin!! I'm sorry I didn't notice you!! How have you been doing!!?", She walked over to him and they hugged.
"Finally you notice me! I'm good as always!", He smiled brightly.
"Hey! I said sorry!", She giggled.
And then i realised that Taehyung is the new one among us so introduce them.
Anna looked at Taehyung and then at Me.
"Anna! This is Taehyung! He's our.... um kind of friend! And Taehyung, this is Anna! My cousin and best friend", I introduced and They bowed to each other slightly.
"So.. are we off to the practice or no?", Bomin spoke.
"What practice?", Anna questioned.
"Uhh actually Taehyung and I got paired for the up coming competition in dance class so we were off to his place to practice. We just came here so i could change", I explained.
"Aahh! A paired competition already? What about me though? *pouts* My leave ends tomorrow", She whined.
Anna went to US for the summer break since it had been hard for us after.... what had happened and she gave off the leave to university before she went because we all knew that she won't get a ticket back as soon as the break ends. And one of the reasons she's pouting is because she loves dancing, it's her passion.
"You'll know it by tomorrow then! We'll see what Mr Lee has in for you", I winked at her.
"You're right! Anyways! Can i tag along? I wanna see you practice!", She chirped.
"Yes please! I'll have a company too!!", Bomin nudged her playfully.
"Yup! It'll be nice to have both of you around! Let's go!", Taehyung spoke with a sarcastic tone.
Making me glare at him once again.
"Wait! You guys settle in the car! I'll be right back!", I told them as i ran inside and changed into sweats. I ran back, locking the door and sat inside the car, next to Anna.
A few minutes later, we arrived at Taehyung's place and our mouth hung low. This was a MANSION!
"Damnn!! He's a rich brat!", Anna whispered in my ear as we got off and walked in.
"I know right? There's hella space for practicing", Bomin whispered back, making me and Anna flinch since we weren't expecting it.
Taehyung lead us to a room.
We went into the room and it looked like a dance studio. It was spacious and had speakers and mirrors.
"Woahh!! You actually have a dance studio in your house?", Anna asked Taehyung.
"Well yeah", He replied while scratching the back of his head.
"Cool!", She replied, amazed at the room.
"Okay! Let's get started now!", I spoke and Anna and Bomin sat down at the corner while Taehyung and i discussed the choreo.

Author's POV

While Taehyung and Minna discussed the choreography and worked on it, Anna's mood seemed to grow a bit down which Bomin noticed.
He noticed Anna watching Minna and Taehyung practicing while bickering. And he knew what was up with Anna.
"Are you okay?", He asked, not wanted to bring the matter up.
"Yeah.. jet lag's hitting i guess", She lied.
Bomin sighed heavily, letting it be.
But Anna couldn't stand Taehyung and Minna practicing like that because that reminded her of her past which only haunts her now. Despite the feeling, she kept it to herself and went with the flow.


*end of flashback*

'I miss you...'

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