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*Two days later*

Minna's POV
I walked into my class and saw Taehyung sitting at his usual place, next to the window as he stared outside.
He had his hood on his head and his band were down, almost covering his eyes.
I glanced at my wrist watch and it was 8 minutes before the class starts.
I sighed and went up to him, instead of sitting on my seat next to him, i sat in front of him since The student who owned the seat hadn't arrived yet.
"Why did you leave that day?", I questioned.
But i only received silence in response.
"What's wrong?!!", i pressed only to seek silence once again.
"Kim.Taehyung! I am talking to you! What's with the silent treatment?!! What-," he cut me off.
"Leave me alone! Will you?!", He growled with a low tone. And speaking honestly, i got taken aback by his behaviour.
"W-what happened that it made you this way?", i asked yet again.
He eyes pierced into mine with a scary gaze.
"I think i made myself pretty clear!", He spoke making me gulp.
"Fine! Suit yourself!", I got off the seat sat on my own seat. As if on que the teacher entered and the class started.
For the whole period, it took me everything to control my tears. And soon i knew I wouldn't be able to control.
Because that's what i have been doing for the past few days. I refused to cry, until my heart admits the bitter truth. Until i actually face Taehyung with the truth myself. But I couldn't control anymore.
I excused myself from the teacher and ran off to the washroom.
As soon as i bursted through the washroom door, i bumped into some one and luckily, it was Anna.
She was in her gym clothes.
"Yah... what's wrong?", She held my shoulders and i noticed that my tears had some how made their way out of my eyes.
I instantly pulled her into a hug and became a sobbing mess.
Anna didn't say anything till i let it all out. Not much after my legs gave in and both of us say down on the floor as i cried into her arms. She caressed my back, telling me to let it all go.
"I-it hurts!!", I cried facing Anna.
"It hurts so much! So freaking much! *sobs* how could he do this?... how could he not be considerate for my feelings?!!", I grabbed Anna's hands, looking her in the eyes. By this point, her eyes were already wet but she continued to remain silent.
I sniffled, getting a hold of myself before speaking, "Now i know what they meant when they said that love hurts because it's all sacrifices. Just like you and me. Sacrificing our loved ones because we cherish them too much! It's just time that waits for the right moment. Just like you experienced it before me. But look at me, it's happening to me too! Not only did i lose my brother but... my friend whom i considered more than that... whom i started to believed would be the one"
Anna let her tears out but wiped them away immediately.
She sniffled before looking at me, "Maybe you're right. It's bound to happen to everyone. But for now we have to focus on making them pay for our each and every tear that left our eyes because of them!"

*Later, after classes ended*

Since i had my last class free, i texted Anna and went out of the campus. I strided towards the park with many thoughts on my mind.
I was sure in a complicated mess.
While emerged in my thought, i crossed the road but didn't notice that a motor bike came my way with full speed. Although i have seen the signal before cross walking.
I didn't even know what was going on around me until i felt someone grabbing onto my arms and pushing me to the side with full force.
Both of us stumbled, making me fully aware of my surrounded.
Shockingly, i turned to look at my saviour and... it was Taehyung.
"Can you be more alert to your surroundings atleast?!!", He scolded.
I don't know why but his words ignited something me.
"Who are you to tell me that? Huh!", I raised my voice at him.
Again, silence.
"Again with the silent treatment?!", i scoffed at him.
"I don't freaking understand you! Once you're cold and bad and the next time we see each other you're kind and caring?!! WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WANT?!!", I shouted.
"Because i freaking care about you!", He said with a loud voice making me freeze in my position.
"I like you too okay?!! There i said it! I freaking like you too!! But I can't do anything about it!! Neither can i claim you nor can i tell you the reason!", he said frustratedly.
"I-i don't know what to do about it", He admitted.
I sighed and told him, "whatever... do as you please"
And went off from the place leaving him behind.

Taehyung's POV

I sighed as i walked in the house making my way over to mom's room. It was a relief that dad had gone overseas for a 'project'.
I knocked the door and went in upon her call.
When i entered i saw her sitting out in the balcony. I went and sat down in legs, resting my head on her lap.
She brushes her fingers through my hair, making me close my eyes. I felt so relax and nice.
"What's bothering my baby?", She asked with her sweet voice.
"Eomma... i wanna ask you something", I spoke and pulled my head off her lap to look into her eyes.
"Sure, what is it?", She asked, smiling slightly.
I took a deep breath and told her all about Minna, Anna, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook.
Including the fact that i like Minna more than just a friend.
"... what should i do about it Eomma?", I asked her.
"It sure is messed up but i'd say don't waste this time. Whether you two are meant to be together or not, it will take time to reveal. You shouldn't waste this time because you might regret later for not making any pleasant memories with her that you could atleast cherish even after you're not together somehow. Give it a chance, my son", She advised
Listening to her advice sure my me calm a bit.
"Gomawoyo Eomma", I thanked her, grabbing her hands into mine.
"You don't have to!", She smiled, making me subconsciously return the gesture.

*Later at night*

Author's POV

Taehyung's mother thought about the theory her son had told her a while ago. She wanted to make it a bit easy for her son somehow so she decided to visit the hostages in the secret room.
It was easy for her to enter since around this time, nor servants are around to keep a check on her and luckily there's no cctv in the basement. And for the passcode, she had once heard his husband telling it to some one.
She punched in the passcode and entered the room.
The two boys seemed at bit surprised at the arrival of the lady.
They knew very well as to who she was.
"I don't... know where to start but i came here for a reason. I know you despise my son. But believe me he's not like how you think he is!", She spoke.
"Ahjumma... I don't know why you're here to convince us to stop hating your son but we know what we have to believe", Hoseok replied.
"That's the thing... you only know one part of the story.... it has many aspects to it", Taehyung's mother said.
"A son is definitely gonna take after his father's deeds. It's obvious! We have seen enough to believe that!", Jimin retorted.
"You're right Jimin-ssi... A son definitely takes after his father's deeds. And Taehyung did too. And my his father... I don't mean 'Kim Jaejoon' ," She let it out as Hoseok and Jimin seemed confused.
She sighed and continued but one thing she didn't know that her son was right behind the door, listening to their convo clearly.
"Taehyung did take after his father... his biological father! Kim Jaejoon is not his biological father", She admitted.
Hoseok and Jimin's eyes widened at the truth.
While, on the other hand, Taehyung couldn't believe his ears.
His hand immediately acting on its own as he opened the door and revealed himself.


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