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Minna's POV

We sat in front of the OT waiting for the doctor to come out.
We were super nervous because it had been a while since they took him for the operation.
Seokjin and Namjoon were already here. Yoongi had called him on the way towards the hospital.
All of us were treated already and i had a very uneasy feeling that I couldn't brush away.
After a few more minutes, all of us instantly stood up as a nurse came out with such rush.
"How is he?", Seokjin questioned the doctor instantly.
"We need blood since the wound had been infected and he has lost a lot of blood, is there anyone with AB blood type?", She asked.
We all looked at Seokjin and Namjoon since they were the major hope.
"We're both type A", Seokjin answered in a breathy tone after noticing our expressions.
"Please you have to arrange the blood somehow or you must be prepared for the so worse", The nurse retorted. I wanted to grabbed her collar and scream at her to arrange through hospital necessities but i held myself back.
How easily could she let out the words like 'or you must be prepared for worse'
"No wait! I'm type O negative!", I heard Jimin's voice.
"Perfect! Come with me please!", She spoke.
"I'll be back. You guys keep praying for him", He said to us before leaving, following the nurse.
Thank goodness Jimin's special blood type can help at the moment since O negative type can save any other blood type.
After what seemed like half an hour, Jimin came back, rolling his sleeves down. The nurse had already taken the blood in the OT 25 minutes ago.
Jimin sighed as he sat down next to Anna.
"What's wrong?", She asked. Everyone there attention to him.
"Nothing really. It's just that they couldn't take much blood from my body since i am underweight. They said to hope it's enough to treat him", He answered us, swelling up the uneasiness once again.
Tears were now evident in my eyes, I couldn't control them anymore. I covered my face with my hands and soon felt Hoseok Oppa pulling me into a hug as I cried in his embrace.

I stood outside Taehyung's hospital room. Glancing through the window as he slept peacefully.
Today's whole incident kept replaying in my head.
Jaejoon's dead, Bomin was actual the threat, Hoseok and Jimin were alive, Seokjin was clear off of the suspect list.
I sighed and rubbed my templed as my head started to ache.
"Don't stress yourself right now", I heard a voice behind me.
I turned and met Yoongi's eyes.
"It's hard not to", I sighed. He paced closer, stopping right next to me, glancing at the sleeping Taehyung.
"I know we're supposed be relieved that Jaejoon's gone for good but someone is still out there we need to be cautious of", He said making me nod.
"I never thought Bomin would be Jaejoon's actual son. I never imagined he would turn this venomous some day", I let out.
"All i can say is... this is a world where the least expected can come true. So one must be prepared for every least possibility as well", He instructed.
I turned my face to look back at Taehyung and just stayed silent.
"You guys should go and rest now", Yoongi and Turned around and saw Seokjin.
"I'll stay here with Taehyung and Namjoon's at the third floor with our mother as well. So don't worry, leave it to us for now", He said with a soft smile.
I didn't really want to leave Taehyung like that but i knew i had no choice since Hoseok and Jimin were out there too.
"The others are waiting for you two at the main hall", Soekjin said.
Yoongi nodded and we said our goodbyes to Jin before walking our way.
"Yoongi-ssi, Minna-ssi..", We turned back to Seokjin upon hearing our names.
"Thank you for staying with my brother and saving him", He said as we saw a sincere smile on his lips.
"That kid is precious for us... and that's the least we could do for him after what he had gone through", Yoongi spoke and gave Seokjin a brotherly smile and with that we made our ways to the others.

"How's he holding up?", Anna asked as soon as we reached them.
"Just as the doctor said He's sleeping for now", I replied making her nod in response.

Yoongi and Jungkook dropped Hoseok, Jimin, Anna and I at our place before biding goodbyes and leaving for their destination.

Author's POV

Hoseok and Jimin sat as the girls prepared food for the boys. Even though it was already late, the girls insisted that they must since they're now underweight.
"H-how did you guys survive?", Anna asked the boys who sat on two kitchen counters watching the girls.
Hoseok sighed at her question before speaking, "he had been keeping us in the secret room ever since that day. He called his personal doctor to treat the bullet wounds, that's it. Taehyung used to visit us once in a while... but all we did was despise him because he was Jaejoon's son", Hoseok paused.
"But.... he's not his biological son..", Minna told.
"We know... we got to know it a few months back, but still we couldn't fully trust him. But one day we did hear Jaejoon torturing his own wife. Taehyung threw a huge fit and from all the commotion we guessed something real bad happened. So we had nothing but to trust Taehyung. He told us he's friends with you and promised to protect you two", Jimin cleared.
"Poor boy must have went through alot...", Hoseok sighed.
"Not just went... he still is going through alot. After Bomin showing up as Jaejoon's actual son and his hatred towards Taehyung. It's more twisted", Anna spoke out.
"I never though that kid could turn into such a monster", Hoseok slightly shook his head.
" i know right? We have known him ever since he joined the university. We were great friends but... never even once could we detect something about him. Even the files didn't say anything about Jaejoon's biological son!", Jimin continued.
"Looks like he really did abandoned his own son", Hoseok stated.
"But i wonder why? Why would he abandon his own son and favour his step child?", Minna asked with a frown on her face.
"That's what we still have to find out", Hoseok shrugged.
"We will find out about that... but can you please be considerate for once and give me something to shove in my tummy?!", Jimin complained.
"Tch! The whiny baby is back", Anna teased, scrunching her nose up, faking irritation.
"Excuse me? I freaking gave more than half of my blood and I can't even ask for food?!", Jimin hissed at Anna.
"Oh my prince charming... you have already waited for so long can't you see i'm plating it! Hold your horses and don't complain, will you?", Anna blurted sarcastically.
While the two bickered, Minna and Hoseok's gaze went back and forth between the two in amusement.
Now they actually felt they were back home.
"You've turned alot more bossy haven't you?", Jimin narrowed his eyes at Anna.
"Oh please! It's you who has forgotten the word 'patience'!", Anna stated.
"Oh dear, I put all my patience out the day I saw you twerking with Jungkook", Jimin exclaimed, making Anna and Minna's eyes widen.
"W-what?!", Anna stuttered.
"H-how did he-?", Minna turned to ask Hoseok bit saw his raised eyebrows directed towards her, she gulped and turned back to the other two.
"Thanks to Taehyung who showed is the video or we wouldn't have known how much fun you had while twerking with someone else than your fiancée", Jimin said as he hopped down the counter, making his way closer to Anna.
"I..-I... it was a competition!", Anna reasoned out.
"Competition? But i bet they didn't gave you choreography now did they?", Jimin asked in a sarcastic tone.
"Whatever... I didn't know you were alive~", Anna spoke the last sentence in a whisper as she pretended to closer her eyes but glance at Minna secretly to save her.
"Uh... um... Y-you need food, right? Yeah Ofcourse you need food! Come on my brother in law, let's get something in your tummy first", Minna tried to changed the direction of the convo, helping her cousin as she dragged Jimin over to the table, forcing him to sit down.
"Oppa! You should take a seat as well! Anna bring the dishes... ppalli!", Minna smiled sheepishly as Anna nodded and instantly obliged.
Hoseok shook his head and chuckled out loud.

"You guys really did turn out to be something in these months"

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