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Author's POV

Minna froze. The blood splattered, staining her clothes and her neck.
Witnessing the gunshot and blood, all over once again made her sick. She was supposed to sigh in relief that it wasn't Jaejoon who shot but instead he was the one who got shot by someone else who sneaked into the room.
The sight of Jaejoon falling in front of her, groaning in pain, glaring at his attacker reminded her of her past where she lost her beloved ones.
Bit by bit, she composed herself and turn to look the person who shot Jaejoon
"Y-you... jerk!", Jaejoon stuttered, clutching his wound on his chest, fighting his own death.
The other couldn't the face of the attacker due to his hood.
"I told you not to involve these three! You brought it on yourself, Father. And it's about time you suffer for abandoning me and my mother!", The man in hood spoke.
The word 'father' left the rest of the four in pure shock. Even Taehyung wasn't expecting it.
"Y-you..p-punk! You'll... p-pay... for.. t-th-is", Jaejoon stuttered for the last time before losing his consciousness.
Taehyung watched as his step father lets out his last breath before resting in peace, in his own pool of blood.
"Who are you?", Taehyung asked the hooded man, curiously.
"Who do you think i am?! I thought you'd know it really well by now", He replied with rage evident in his voice. While Minna squinted her eyes, trying to make out the owner of this familiar voice.
"I am the actual heir and the biological son! You snatched everything from me! You were the reason this old brat abandoned me and made me suffer all this time!", The man spat at Taehyung and pointed his gun towards Taehyung's chest.
"I... I know you!", Minna finally spoke making the man halt and turn towards her.
"What?", He asked.
"I definitely know you! Who are you?!! Reveal yourself!", She pressed.
The man paused, looking directly in her eyes before letting his hood down.
As soon as the four hostages saw his face, they went into pure shock.
"B-bomin?!!", Minna whispered with teary eyes. But her tone was still audible.
Bomin just stared at her, the gun in his hand still pointing at his step brother as no words left his mouth.
"How?!", Taehyung asked, recovering a little from the state of pure shock but still couldn't believe it.
"All along... you did nothing but played us?!!", Taehyung raised his voice at Bomin.
"Oh shut it! You played with my life and even showed up as Minna and Anna's friends! And you say i played you all?!!", Bomin equally raised his voice back at him.
"You think i wanted all of this?!! I dreaded every single moment when i was with this jerk of your father! He did nothing but torture me and my mother to make things work his way! If anything you should be glad you didn't get to be his actual son! Or you would've made you into a total monster!", Taehyung barked.
"You could've run away! You could've have done something!! But no... you had your plans of destroying everyone's lives. You ruined my childhood, you ruined my family! And a monster you say?!! YOU turned me into a monster! If anything , you made me go through hell!", Bomin spat. He reloaded his gun, pointing back at Taehyung's chest.
"Bomin-ah! Hajima!! Stop this! You don't need to do this!", Jungkook tried persuading his younger.
"I don't need to do it,you say? I have waited all my life just to see him suffer the way HE made me suffer my whole life! And you say I don't need to do this? I never wanted to bring the three of you into this. However, i'm sorry you got to witness this", Bomin retorted before pulling the trigger.
But thankfully, Jungkook... who had the hair pin, managed to unlock his cuffs, kicked Bomin's hand that held the gun making the gun drop on the ground.
However, the bullet did manage to pierce through Taehyung's shoulder instead of his chest, making the lad groan in pain.
Jungkook fought Bomin and the two girls struggled to get closer to Taehyung, failing miserably.
Soon they heard the door slam as a three of the men pilled in with rush. They pulled Jungkook off of Bomin and fought him themselves.
Bomin and one of his men successfully flee away leaving Jungkook fight with the rest two.
And before Jungkook could get badly hurt, a few of the police men came in grabbing the two who fought Jungkook, hand cuffing them and dragging them outside. A few paramedics pilled in taking the dead body away.
The others saw A familiar face coming into the view.
Yoongi stepped in and went closer to the girls and Taehyung, unlocking the hand cuffs before checking up on his brother.
"You guys don't seem to be okay", Yoongi sighed as he noticed Taehyung's bullet wound and a bleeding forehead, Minna bleeding forehead, Anna's bleeding neck and Jungkook's ruptured body from the recent fight.
"How did you find us out?", Anna questioned.
"I tracked jungkook's location through his phone and i knew something was wrong since it was running way too late", Yoongi replied.
"Let's get you all treated first! There are paramedics outside, let's go", Yoongi directed, but Taehyung pushed him away and went out the door and into the secret basement.
The other looked at each other in confusion, not understanding his motive.
"I think i know what he's up to", Yoongi whispered but Jungkook, Anna and Minna managed to hear.
And without asking anything they all followed Yoongi who went in the direction where Taehyung had gone to.

On the other hand, Taehyung punched in the number as the door let out a small beep, indicating that the door had been unlocked.
Taehyung stumbled inside, startling the two boys inside.
"What was all the commotion outside?", Jimin asked.
But soon Hoseok and Jimin noticed his condition.
Taehyung's legs weakened, making him sit on his knees on the floor.
Hoseok and Jimin was about to rush to him when Yoongi came in, holding Taehyung in place.
Yoongi glanced at two of his closest mates that he cherished at lot back then. Whom he thought he had lost but there they were standing right in front of his eyes.
"Y-you're free...", Taehyung managed to speak, breaking the three out of their stance.
They seemed confused and went near Yoongi and Taehyung.
"Jaejoon's dead. You guys can finally live your lives", Yoongi cleared after detecting the confusion on their faces.
Hoseok and Jimin looked at each other and then back at Yoongi.
"Let's get out first", Yoongi suggested as he helped Taehyung up on his feet and out of the door where rest of the three waited curiously.
Hoseok and Jimin went out the door after Yoongi and Taehyung, making everyone freeze except for Tae and Yoongi.
Neither were Hoseok and Jimin expecting the girls to be here nor were the girls expecting them to be alive.
"You won't greet your brother?", Hoseok spoke bringing the girls out of their daze.
They couldn't believe it. This was too good to be true. But i was true.
Minna instantly went closer and pulled his brother into a tight hug. Anna stayed in place, starring deeply in his fiancée's eyes, feeling hundreds of emotions at the same time.
But pushing them all away, she ran to Jimin, hugging the soul out of him.
The girls couldn't help but cry in their arms. This made the boys turn teary, even Taehyung and Yoongi who smiled softly at the small reunion.
While Jungkook had mixed feelings. He stood there not knowing how to feel.
He was glad the girls had met their family but... when he saw Anna and Jimin hug with such affection, he felt hurt. He feared he's about to lose someone precious.
The four soon pulled away as soon as they heard a groan.
Everyone's attention was now on Taehyung who was having a hard time staying conscious.
Yoongi and Jungkook instantly reacted and took him out of the house and towards the ambulance. Jimin, Hoseok and the girls followed behind.
They were taken aback at so many police officers arresting every single person who worked under the mafia. The sight was frightening but they had seen worse.

Yoongi told the girls and the boys that he'll go to hospital with Taehyung and that they should take his car to the hospital since they need treatment for their wounds as well.
They eventually agree and Obliged as per commanded.

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