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Minna's POV

The paramedics pulled Taehyung out of the ambulance and towards the emergency.
I rushed in next to him.
Taehyung had trouble breathing. He took heavy breaths, making my heart sink in every moment.
Soon enough, he was dragged into the emergency where i was restricted to go further.
I cried and watched from the glass door as the doctors and nurses gathered around him.
Struggling to keep him conscious.
I was a sobbing mess but it came to cease when i saw his heartbeat dropping and eventually going to a straight line.
I couldn't bare the sight of it. Taehyung laid there with his eyes closed, his body drenched in his own blood as the doctors panic to save their patient.
I couldn't bare losing him. I couldn't bare living with such a heavy heart.
No! He has to come back! He yet has to see the good in this world. He didn't suffer all that just to die unfairly.
I prayed and prayed. The others had showed up next to me now. No one dared to move after witnessing the worst.
My sobs were once again audible through out the corridor.

A ray of hope suddenly rose when his heartbeat came back after the electrolysis. His eyes met mine.
A slight relief came over me.
The doctor came out and instructed the nurses to prepare the OT.

*Author's POV

Although Taehyung's heartbeat came back, it was still a critical situation to determine if he'd make it through or not.
The doctors told Yoongi about the operation and his serious condition.
Anna went next to Minna, rubbing her shoulders as she let a few tears from her eyes out.
The doctor took his leave as the nurses took Taehyung to the operation theatre.
Anna had texted Hoseok and Jimin on her way towards the hospital about Taehyung and asked Hoseok to bring a fresh pair of clothing of Minna while Yoongi had Contacted Seokjin and Namjoon.
Hoseok, Jimin, Seokjin and Namjoon arrived at the same time and now all of them stood in front of the operation room.
Hoseok went near Minna, comforting her but only sobbed harder as the image of blood and gun shots fills her mind again.
"Minna-ya... you need to atleast wash the blood away. Come on", Anna spoke softly trying to convince Minna to go with her.
"No! I'm not leaving... till the doctors say something ... about the operation", Minna refused.
Anna sighed, looking at the boys for help.
"All of us are here. Just go, it won't take long for you but as for the operation... it'll take time.... So just go", Hoseok persuaded.
Minna finally gave in and nodded.
Anna pulled her gently with her and took the bag that contained her new clothes.

The girls entered the restroom, Minna stood in front of the mirror starring soullessly at her reflection.
Her blood stained neck, hand and clothes reminding her of all the times she witnessed people getting shot to death.
Anna stood there for a while, observing Minna's actions as she brought up her hands that were shaking terribly.
Red liquid staining her shaky hands, Minna starred at her hands tears again leaking her eyes silently.
"I-is it... the end?", Minna stuttered.
Her words confused Anna for a moment but she was quick to catch on.
But before Anna could answer her.
Minna fell onto her knees, sobbing as she continued to stare at her bloodied hands.
"O-or... do i... have witness... you... jungkook or anyone else... laying in... blood?", Minna sobbed harder.
Anna sniffled and shook her head as she immediately crouched down to her sister, consoling her.
"N-no... it's all done... it's all finished!", Anna cried.
"Jaejoon... Bomin... Taehyung... Hoseok... Jimin... why did i have to fucking witness all THEM FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES, DROWNED IN THEIR OWN BLOOD?!!", Minna yelled in frustration.
"WAE?!! WHY ME?!!", She shouted and cried.
"H-hajima !", Anna retorted and pulled into a gentle hug, calming Minna down.

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