II - Natalia Alianovna Romanova

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/!\ Mature content below. Violence described. It is implied that there is sexual and physical abuse, no details. Do not read it if you're not comfortable.


"It has been said that time heals all wounds. I don't agree. The wounds remain. Time - the mind, protecting its sanity - covers them with some scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it is never gone." - Rose Kennedy

It was dark, cold, and loud. She couldn't move. Something or rather someone was on top of her, pinning her down on the floor as she was laying on her stomach. All she could hear were screams. It was very loud, too loud for her. Until she realized the screams she was hearing were her owns.

She tried to move, to make him let go but she simply couldn't. He was too strong for her. And she knew nobody would come for her. Nobody cared about what could happen in this place. It was supposed to be a place where she could feel safe and protected. But this was all lies. Lies she used to believe in.

She was broken. Here laying down on the floor, crying for the help she knew she wouldn't have, she hadn't been able to do anything. Her body was just not reacting to this. It was painful, violent and she hadn't asked for this to happen. Even though it was not the first time it was happening, she still couldn't get used to it. It was impossible for her to.

Natasha woke up in the middle of the night crying for help, she still could feel him everywhere on her, and she hated that. As usual, after this particular memory, she went to the bathroom to take a shower. She needed to make everything go. His hands-on her body, his breath, everything. She didn't even care that the water turned out cold, she just sat down in the shower, knees to her chest and head down, letting the cold water hitting her.

Sobbing quietly, she had enough of those memories. Enough of waking up in the middle of the night because of those nightmares. Tonight was one of the worst memory she could relive.

Deciding it was enough time in the shower, she turned off the water and got out. Dressing up, she didn't even care that it was still the middle of the night. She knew exactly where she needed to go right now. And she knew he wouldn't say a thing, as he always told her she was welcome anytime.

Parking her car in front of his house, she didn't bother knocking on the front door. Knowing the key was hiding under one of the plant pots, she just had to unlock the door. Everything was dark, so she assumed he was asleep. She just needed a cup of water from the kitchen and she would go lay down until the dawn. It was strange to be back here, as she hasn't been here that often since she has moved out of his house. But she was grateful she could come back anytime.

Taking the stairs to go into her old bedroom, she just needed to lay down and breathe. She needed to get things out of her head, but she didn't know how to. She used to dance before when things were complicated, but she simply couldn't right now, not in the middle of the night. Not when she was in his house. So she simply laid down and waited for him to wake up. She wanted to talk to him about those nightmares. He always listened to her, and always tried to help her in any way he could.

When he woke up, he instantly knew somebody was in his house. And he didn't need to guess who. The purse and the shoes at the entrance of his house were saying everything he needed to know about the intruder. Going up to the bedroom she used to have when she was living with him, he wasn't surprised when he saw her sleeping under the covers of her old bed.

"Tasha?" He tried the first time, but she seemed to be deep in sleep. But he knew otherwise, he knew she would wake up from a nightmare in no time. Probably the reason why she was here in the first place. If a nightmare is the reason she's here this morning, it must have been pretty bad, he thought to himself. But he needed to wake her up.

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