XI - How Does It Feel To Love ?

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"Falling in love is more than infatuation. It is the need to feel whole, to feel safe, to be healed, to join together with someone, heart and soul." - Michael R. French

It was only five-thirty in the morning when Steve suddenly woke up at the sound of an alarm. Seeing that it was coming from Natasha's phone, he quickly took it and turned the alarm off. But why would Natasha's phone be in Steve's bedroom ?

Feeling his surroundings and trying to recall what he did before going to bed last night, Steve remembered the amazing evening he had spent with Natasha in her apartment. They had finally talked about what they meant for each other, and he couldn't wait for them to officially be together.

He knew he was still a little bit nervous about starting a relationship with her and having her this close to him, as all of the people he loved tragically disappeared from his life. He didn't want to add Natasha's name to the list. It would be too hard to lose her, especially now that he knew what she meant for him.

When he realized that Natasha was still sleeping soundly on top of him, he couldn't help himself to have a big smile on his face. She was so beautiful and so small in his arms. Her red hair still in her messy bun from the day before, her little breathing, and the way her hand was clutching his shirt, Steve couldn't get enough of her. It felt so good to have her this close to him, it was amazing. In other words, she was really precious to him.

Steve then realized that they must have fallen asleep during the movie last night, as they were still lying on her couch. He had to admit that it was definitely not the best place to spend the night, but his sleep must have been very restful as he felt relaxed. He figured that Natasha also had this calm effect on him, as he remembered feeling the exact same way the first night they had sleep in each other arms.

When he remembered the last time Natasha had woke up from his embrace, and how terrible it had been for her, he gently started to wake her up by smoothing her hair, rubbing her neck and kissing the top of her hair. He didn't want her to be confused as she was sleeping on top of him.

"Nat, honey, it's time to wake up." He quietly whispered to her. Putting a strand of hair behind her ear so he could have a better look at her, he saw that she was quietly stirring in his arms. She was adorable, there wasn't any other word.

"Hey baby." He said smiling down at her sleepy face when she opened her eyes.

Natasha was a little bit confused to wake up in Steve's arms, but she felt so relaxed and rested that she didn't even care. "Morning." She simply replied locking her eyes with his, smiling brightly at him. Her smile grew even bigger when she felt Steve kissing her forehead. She could definitely get used to this.

"How was your sleep ?" She heard him asked. Thinking about it, it was the first time she didn't wake up in the middle of the night due to nightmares. Maybe sleeping in Steve's arms was the reason behind that.

"Best sleep ever. And you're very comfortable so thank you so much." She answered laughing quietly, still laying on top of him. "Sorry you had to sleep on the couch, I didn't realize I fell asleep on you last night."

"Don't worry, I didn't realize that I fell asleep with you in my arms either so I guess we're good." He replied smiling down at her and kissing her hair. "Why don't you go get ready for your day and I'll make breakfast for both of us ?" He said as he remembered her morning shift at the Children's Hospital started in less than two hours.

Accepting his offer, Natasha stood up from Steve's embrace after he kissed the tip of her nose one last time. She just needed to shower, and eat breakfast with Steve before heading to work. This morning was very casual and very domestic for both of them. Something Natasha thought she would never have, and something Steve thought he would never have again.

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