IV - Meeting You

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"The higher you build walls around your heart, the harder you fall when someone tears them down." - Unknown

It had been a busy month and a busy week for Natasha. Between her work schedule and visiting the Bartons this weekend, she didn't even remember what day today was.

Visiting her foster brother and his family had been incredible. She had missed spending time with Clint and his wife Laura. She was also happy to see her nephew and niece again. Cooper and Lila always made her feel alive and careless. Seeing how Clint had been able to build a life like this, made her think that she could also do it. She was very proud of what Clint had accomplished in his life. Just like he was very proud of her for everything she had done since the first day he saw her at the orphanage. She was grateful for him and his family.

Natasha was also thinking about the conversation she had had with Maria a little while ago. She would meet her best friend's boyfriend, Tuesday this week after work. They would have done it sooner, but work got in the way and there was simply no time for it. A simple conversation between three adults around a cup of coffee. That's what Maria had said it would be. She was kind of excited to meet Sam Wilson. She heard so much about him from Maria, and Maria assured her, he was one of the great guys.

Getting herself ready for bed, she imagined how it would be when she would meet someone as well. It was still a little bit scary for her, but she was also looking forward to it.

Surprisingly after all of the conversations she had with Nick and Maria and her foster brother's advice, the nightmares subsided a little bit, and she was thankful for that. She still had some from time to time, but she was now able to get at least four to five dreamless hours of sleep. She hoped tonight would be the same. Tomorrow would be the beginning of a new week already, and she couldn't wait to see what it would bring.


In his townhouse, Steve was working on his sketching. A new public library in New York City had called him a little bit earlier in the previous week to paint the children's corner. An offer Steve couldn't say no to. The last time he had to paint for a children's corner a little while ago, he couldn't help but feel proud when he saw all the children with huge smiles on their faces.

"Okay man, I need your help !" He heard Sam saying as he was already at his place.

"Sure, what do you need help with ?" Steve simply answered.

"You know how Maria and I have been dating for a while now ? I mean playing around for a while, and dating for a month ...

"Trouble in paradise Sam ? You know I can't help with that." Steve chuckled.

"No, not at all. No trouble in paradise. Everything is amazing. She wants me to meet her best friend this week. Said it's important to her, that her best friend is like a sister to her." Steve couldn't really understand where this conversation was going, but he had a feeling he would know about it very soon. "Anyway, I need you to come with me." He heard Sam finished.

"Why do you need me to come ? What's the problem with meeting Maria's best friend by yourself ?" Steve laughed out loud.

"You don't get it man ! I don't want to be the only guy around two women, it's gonna be really awkward !" Steve couldn't help but laugh. Sam could either act like a grownup or a teenager. Today, Sam was definitely acting as a teenager.

"Sam seriously, what grade do you think we're in ? Aren't we past that ? And I have a lot of work to do right now, I don't have time for this." Steve replied lying. Time was definitely not a problem at all. He just didn't want to go out right now.

"Bullshit Rogers. Your next work is not due until next month so you have a lot of time. Anyway, I'll pick you up tomorrow at four pm. It's just gonna be a simple coffee. No choice and please don't be late. Thank you." Sam said without giving any time for Steve to reply.

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