VII - I'll Be Here

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"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." - Mae West

It had been the most amazing fifteen days for Steve and Natasha. Two days after their little friendly date around a cup of coffee and conversations in Central Park, Steve had been really happy to cross the front door of the children's hospital. He had received the most beautiful smile from Natasha when he saw her working in the playroom with the kids. And he definitely didn't miss the slight blush on her cheeks. Sweet.

The first week, Natasha had been on the morning shift. Starting at six in the morning, she just had to wait three hours before Steve would eventually show up. It had been so nice to see him on the first day. Since their little moment in Central Park, she couldn't stop thinking about him.

She hadn't said anything to Maria when she came home that night. She was definitely not ready for Maria's teasing, and it was also too precious for Natasha to share those moments with somebody else, yet. Once her best friend had left her apartment, Natasha's nightmares had been replaced by Steve's smile and his baby blue eyes. Of course, it was until she woke up screaming and panting in her bed, but at least she could get some rest.

On the first day, she didn't miss how Steve seemed to look for her before heading to the new art room he had to work in. His smile made her blush, slightly, giving her some butterflies in her stomach.

They tried every day of this first week to catch a little moment together. Since their schedule was quite different, it was a little bit hard but they made it work. Some days it would be a simple conversation during her little break or before she had to head home after the end of her shift. And twice they had been able to grab lunch together. The first time at the children's hospital's cafeteria, the second time at Bluestone, the coffee shop they went to the week before.

It was nice to be able to see him and talk to him. Natasha could feel herself being more and more comfortable around him. She hadn't shared any details about her past, it was definitely too early for that. And she still didn't know, yet, how much she wanted to let him in.

In the second week, Steve worked with the same schedule. Starting his work at nine in the morning, to finish around five in the afternoon. In the first week, it had been easy to see Natasha since she was on the morning shift. He definitely enjoyed her company. Everything was natural with her, and Steve found himself being very comfortable around her.

He couldn't help himself but compare Natasha to his first love, Peggy. Everything had been amazing with Peggy. He spent the most beautiful three years of his life with her. But it is true that at the beginning, it had been unnatural for him to be that close to her, or to feel comfortable. Peggy had been incredible at trying to lose the tension, but it took him quite some time to stop feeling nervous around her.

With Natasha, everything was different. Of course, they weren't at the point of dating and being in a relationship, yet, but Steve could feel it was different for him. Everything was natural with Natasha. He wasn't afraid of being himself, he wasn't nervous to talk to her, he wasn't scared of her. Something was different about Natasha, he could feel it. And to be honest, he liked the way he would feel when he was around her.

When Natasha was around him, talking, laughing, making terrible jokes, Steve would feel something he hadn't feel in a long time. Alive. When he lost his mom, Peggy and Bucky, something died inside him. It was too hard to move on, too hard to enjoy the simple things in life, too hard to breathe.

For some reason, Natasha had been able to wake up that part inside him. He didn't notice it at first, but he was now. Just being around her was like a breath of fresh air. This feeling of being light on the shoulders, to enjoy the simple things in life again, just to be free. Steve had no idea how she had been able to do so, but he definitely knew it meant something.

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