V - Steven Grant Rogers

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"Once you realize you deserve a bright future, letting go of your dark past is the best choice you will ever make." - Roy T. Bennett

Two months ago, Steve Rogers had been called for a job in East Harlem in New York City. Not the area he used to work in, but he made an exception. The offer had been very interesting for him and it was not that far away from his townhouse in Brooklyn.

He loved working from home, but it was also nice to be able to work outside from time to time. Getting ready for his day, Steve couldn't wait to see what he would be able to do for his new employer. They hadn't said much over the phone when they reached out to him. The only thing Steve knew is that it would involve children.

Entering the address in his GPS, Steve turned on his car and got on the road. It would take him twenty to twenty-five minutes to get there. A little bit more if he would get stuck into traffic. As he was driving, he was thinking about when he used to go to this area with his former best friend Bucky. They always used to go to Central Park for a run or a walk, even sometimes for his sketching, as it was one of Steve's favorite places in the city. But since the whole Bucky incident happened, he lost interest in a lot of things. Going to Central Park was one of them.

Parking his car in front of the building where he was supposed to meet his new employer, Steve read the name of the place where he would work for the next few days. Child Life & Creatives Arts Therapy. Steve understood at this moment, why his work would involve children. He would work in a children's hospital.

Steve had never been a fan of hospitals. Even if his mom had been a nurse in one of the many medical centers in Brooklyn. And being sick a countless number of times when he was kid, didn't help to change his feeling about hospitals at all.

Pushing the front door to get inside the building, Steve couldn't help noticing a feeling of happiness coming from this place. Hearing the children's laughter, children's music, everything about this place seems to be special. It suddenly made him happy to have accepted this job offer.

After meeting his new employer in his office, the director of the children's hospital, Steve needed to see where he would work for the next few days so he could get some ideas for all the mural decorations and paintings he would have to do. His employer said the room he would work in was very special to them.

Surprisingly to Steve, the room the director led him in was a dance studio. The director explained to him that this room needed to be very special, as this is where some of the children would be able to dance and express their feelings through dance with one of their employees.

It was, for now, a simple dance studio with four white walls. Three of them would be where Steve would work on the murals, and the last wall was where all the mirrors and ballet barres would be. After talking about the date when Steve would start to work for them, the director told him he could get a tour for himself and see around to maybe get some inspiration for his work.

As he did, he heard children laughing out loud and he couldn't help himself but to go and see how beautiful this scene might be. Steve never really was around children, but hearing a child's laugh was something he truly adores. Steve's curiosity got the best of him.

And then he saw her.

In one instant, Steve was breathless. His heart skipped a beat and his body stopped moving at the vision that was in front of him.

A beautiful redhead, stunning green eyes, beautiful red lips, pale skin young women were currently playing with the children. Her smile had to be one of the most beautiful smiles he had ever seen. She truly was a vision. Her voice was mesmerizing and her laugh made Steve's heart beating faster. Without noticing, he found himself drawn into her. The way she was talking to the children, taking care of them, dancing with them, everything she was doing was just fascinating and magnetizing.

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