2. Lost and Found

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William was shocked to see that person in the office. Jenny was right!

James Reed was right in front of his eyes! He could have just acted like a fanboy and fainted then and there but he composed himself. Words were hard to form.

"Hello, William. This is James, James Reed." The young man puts his hand forward to shake his hand. William shakes his hand, still trying to compose himself, trying to form understandable words.

"Uh...hello. I am Mystery Hunter...uh I mean William Payne..." he is stuttering but James makes him feel comfortable.

"Chill man. I am just a normal 24-year-old guy. Huge fan though." He pats his back and William couldn't believe his ears. Huge fan?

"I have been following your videos since the very start and I am lucky enough to be standing in your office." He takes in a deep breath as if he is trying to smell in the office, "Even your office smells like a mystery. I love it!"

William chuckles as to how the biggest film director in the USA is standing in their office, excited like a small kid. It makes him comfortable to know that he is just like a normal human like them. Just a bit more talented than them.

"Please sit down and make yourself comfortable. The other members are on their way. Sorry for the delay."

"Ah, no-no. I know my arrival was a surprise but you gotta keep stuff like this a secret. I couldn't risk the reporters following me here. Also, stop being so formal with me. Think of me as your small brother." William smiles and nods in response.

A famous guy like him in their small office, it was big news.


"So, to answer my curiosity, I decided to come here." James finishes the presentation and looks at everyone. They all were very shocked at the intense research this young boy had done except for Noah. He had been awfully silent and James noticed that. He knew something was fishy.

"This is like some another level research we couldn't have ever done!" David exclaims. He doesn't really praise anyone but when he does, it's a rare sight.

"Intense research on a lost monument, the Castle of Nale!" Clive exclaims next. Dylan would be so happy!

"It's just the timing. I was just about to book a flight when my team said that they finally have enough material. And I thought this would be the best business proposal." James sits down and looks at the leader, "So? Should we make the contract?"

Noah scoffs and says, "It's no timing. It is just luck."

William clears his throat, signaling Noah to shut up and he just glares back at him. Not wanting any part in it, he gets up and leaves the room in a dash. Clive wants to go behind him but William shakes his head.

"Sorry about that. I'll talk to him. And about the contract, we can meet up again and discuss the clauses. We can't today as you can see one member is missing." William states.

"Yeah, I noticed. Where is Dylan anyways? I wanted to meet him so bad." James sinks in his chair showing his sulk. Clive chuckles and says,

"I am pretty sure if he is informed that someone knows about Castle of Nale more than him, he will come rushing to the office. I'll call him up to give the good news." He excuses himself to go out.

"He is my favorite." James looks at William, indicating he was talking about Dylan.


"Clive you won't believe what just happened." Dylan sounds so excited on the phone that the speakers would burst.

"Woah Dylan, I was just about to call you. I have good news." Clive says, equally excited.

"That can wait. Listen to me. So as usual, I was just going through the archives of the Castle of Nale, finding nothing. But today...." He hypes up and shouts the last part of the sentence, "Someone finally posted whole ass research on it! Fuck, I am so happy!"

"Who posted that?" Clive asks to confirm once. He knows it must be James or his team.

"Someone named 'James R.' But damm can you believe it? I am finally getting something! It isn't a lost cause any more!" Dylan might just die with feeling such an adrenaline rush. Now they can go for the research of the castle with actual proof!

"Yeah about that..." Clive calms him down, "We have someone in our office you will be happy to meet."

"No man, imma read his whole research. I told you, I am working from home today." Dylan whines.

"It's James Reed. The person who posted that research. He is here." He takes a deep breath before continuing, "And he wants to work with us."

The line goes dead!

"Dylan? Dylan?" Clive knows this means he is rushing to the office.

Mystery Hunt (Complete - Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now