18. Decoding

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"Any trouble?" James asks, peeking into Dylan's room. As usual, he went to Dylan's room to discuss today's work. It was now a habit for both. Dylan wouldn't admit it but he liked his company.

"Nuh. I just finished with the poems. But...." His voice trails off.

"But?" James comes inside and sits beside him.

"Only if I had the names...." He takes out the 1st poem and shows his notes.

"This poem is about a betrayer in the castle. You see these lines; they have been inspired by some of the old poetry, like very very old.

"I regret every ship that he never sailed - the person here is trying to say that the royal was too weak to go into wars, hence the mention of ships. The royal must have been a nuisance towards these servants so they wish for him to go to war and leave the castle for months. Hence they regret not sending him.

And listening to the fallen angel on her honor's shoulder – they are still talking about that royal, now calling him as a fallen angel. The fallen angel or that bratty royal must have had a confidant inside the palace with whom the servants might have seen him. I think the confidant was a woman and addressing her as 'her honor' must mean the woman was a royal too.

I regret not exorcising that demon who possessed that already wretched soul – this talks about the royal being evil beyond repair. But they still had some chance of saving him. So they regret not taking that chance.

and every two-lane word he swore – here they talk about the dubiousness of that royal's character. That royal must have two faces, one to show the royals or the king and queen, other his real face."

"This royal along with another woman royal must be planning something which the servants knew. But they couldn't say anything." Dylan finishes looking up from his notes and is greeted by an admiring face of James.

"WOW! You did that?" James asks in astonishment. He loved Dylan's dedication to work.

Dylan blushes at his compliment. "It's nothing much. I am a literature major. I love poems."

"But still....it's so awesome that you can do this." James claps his hands like a happy seal. Dylan just laughs and hits him. He likes it when he is complimented, especially from him.

"What about the second poem?" James asks interested.

Dylan stops laughing. He was wishing James wouldn't ask him it but he guessed it was time.

"It's.....it's about forbidden love." Dylan keeps his head low.

"Oh." James's smile disappears too. It must become awkward between them. Because they have started seeing each other in dreams.

"But hey! We are not sure if it's Rufus and Walter." James said lifting the heavy tension in the air.

"Actually....." Dylan goes on to describe his dream. The dream of the tree, the poem, and the kiss.

"OH wow! This....this is heavy...." James feels a bit, he couldn't describe what. Should he be happy or creeped out?

"And the poem keeps revolving in my head." Dylan continues.

"Do you remember it?" James asks.

"Here. I noted it down. I thought I would decode it but it is pretty simple." Dylan hands over the book to James.

"It was you,
it was me,
and it was the silence underneath the stars that understood
my heartbeat
and it is racing.
You told me nothing.
I believed everything.
At that moment, I found life.
In that moment
I found you."

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