13. Half-Truth

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"King Samuel and King Rufus are our ancestors." He points at himself and Dylan.

Everyone around him looks with shocked faces. Noah then turns to Dylan and scolds him,

"Why didn't you tell us before?" he sounds angry.

"Huh? What?" Dylan just looks out of place. He doesn't know what Noah was talking about.

"Our family chart. You already knew of them being our ancestors. Why didn't you tell us? We wouldn't have wasted our time and energy to look for it when you already knew." He points at David and himself. David nods in agreement.

"I agree, you should have told us before to save time."

"But...but...Noah also...." Dylan was going to say that Noah knew about it too but was interrupted by him.

"I went to his room this morning for some work and I saw the chart. I waited for the whole day for him to tell us this. I thought he would tell us in the castle. But no, he didn't." Noah covers it up quickly. He knew about their ancestors' way before even Dylan knew.

"Okay, okay. It's okay now. We got to know, right. That is what matters. Let's just sleep for today, okay?" William holds Noah by shoulders. He was being a bit too harsh on Dylan. Everyone else leaves too for their rooms and Clive just gives a warm smile to Dylan.

"Its okay, Dylan. You must have forgotten to tell us."

"No. I was waiting for Noah to tell you guys because he already...." Dylan was interrupted by James.

"I think so it is enough to work talk for today. We should sleep." James says and Clive waves goodnight to both of them.

"I told you to confront Noah earlier," James says, looking at Dylan.

"And what about you? You spied on all of us!" Dylan barks at James and slams his door close.

James felt a bit guilty to not have told him about it before but now he had the chance. He knocked on his door and entered the room.

"I don't want to talk now. You may leave." Dylan was sitting on the other side with his back faced to James.

"I am sorry to have not told you about it before. Dylan, I am a businessman. If I am investing my money into something, I have to be thorough in it. I don't want it to be a 'lost cause' as Noah says. I was aware of my ancestral roots but I had to find out about yours too. And it was my luck that you all had some connection to the castle." James states, sitting down behind him.

Dylan turns a bit and huffs in response. He knew what James said was right but he hated being lied to. James holds his hands and apologizes.

"I am sorry Dylan. I didn't mean to lie to you." He places his head on Dylan's hands and he is stunned. He gets a small dream flashback.

Dream Flashback

"What took you so long?" Rufus pouts sitting under the cherry blossom tree. The tree was on full bloom and the pink petals were falling down, indicating the light breeze. It looked beautiful.

"Sorry, Prince Rufus." Walter sits beside him and kisses his forehead gently. "I am not a guest anymore, you know that. I have to sneak out carefully."

"I know it is hard for you Walter. Don't worry, I am still trying to talk to dad but it seems he is getting sicker now." He places his head on Walter's shoulder.

"It seems Prince Samuel is already preparing for the coronation." Walter caresses his hair. The breeze was flowing lightly, and Rufus's hands were tangled with Walter.

"Yes. Dad might make him the king even before he has drafted his will. And...." He gets up slightly to face Walter, "Will you stop calling me Prince Rufus? I don't like that title from your mouth." He pouts again.

Walter places a gentle peck on his lips. "Sorry, Rufus. It was just out of habit as I address you in that manner in front of Your Honor too."

"Hmm." Rufus plays with Walter's fingers, "Are you done with your poem?"

"I was waiting for you to ask me. I thought you had forgotten." Walter smiles at Rufus.

Rufus's face beamed as he clapped his hands excitedly, "Can I listen? Please, please?"

"You don't have to say please darling. It's all for you only." Walter clears his throat to start.

"It was you,
it was me,
and it was the silence underneath the stars that understood
my heartbeat
and it is racing.
You told me nothing.
I believed everything.
At that moment, I found life.
In that moment
I found you."

Walter leans in to kiss Rufus and he just melts as soon as their lips touch.

Dream Flashback Ends

Dylan flinches and removes his hand from James's hands. In that process, he stumbled behind.

"Hey, you okay?" James helps him to get up but he just removes his hand from him again.

"Yeah, I am okay." He says avoiding eye contact, "I think you should leave now. I am tired."

"Okay, but am I forgiven?" James looks at him with puppy eyes which sent shivers down his spine.

Why does he have to look exactly the same as Walter?

"Yeah, yeah, you are forgiven. Go now." He pushes him out of the room. James got a bit confused as he thought Dylan saw a flashback when he held his hands. But why didn't he tell James about it? Another idea clicked in his mind which will help both of them.


Dylan closes the door and takes a sigh of relief. After the flashback, staying with James in the same room was suffocating. His hand automatically touches his lips, remembering the way he felt when Walter kissed Rufus.

"What are you thinking of Dylan?" he shakes his head, "He is the ancestor of James. Of course, they will look similar. But then....." he touches his lips again.

Why did my heart flutter a bit when I heard the poem?

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