41. The Chase : II

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They reach the castle and James could feel a chill down his spine. Somehow the castle looked even more gloomy and dark in broad daylight. As soon as they stepped in, the sky was dark with clouds. The crows were cawing and they had goosebumps all over their body.

Each leaf rustled as they took a step towards the entrance. The backyard seemed to be calling Dylan but he dismissed it. His brother was in danger now and he had to save him.

The entrance doors opened on its own accord which a loud creak. They stepped in and BANG!

The door closes again.

"Is this a horror movie?" Logan asks nervously to lighten the mood.

"Horror story out of our lives," Clive says as he switches on his phone's flashlight. Even with so much light from outside, the castle was dark from its inside. The throne was empty.

"No....." William was about to shout but Dylan presses his hand on his mouth and shushes him.

"He isn't Noah anymore. And we don't know how dangerous he is." He turns to everyone and speaks, "So should we split up to find him?"

"What? Of course not! Have you not seen the horror movies?" Logan protests.

"We shouldn't split up. None of us are armed but Noah has the dagger. At least with a big group, we may be able to overpower him." James spoke as he tries to examine where they should go first.

"Should we start with the servant's room?" Clive asks.

"No. Samuel hated them and wouldn't step in even if died of....."


A sound came from the servant's room and they all look in that direction.

"Or no. Let's go to that room first then." Logan says but he wasn't moving an inch.

"You need to move for us to walk Logan," David says and goes ahead to lead them. They point their flashlights at the room as they slowly move towards it. A rat scurries in front of them and Dylan jumps into James's arms.

William and Clive decide to stand outside the door just in case. Dylan, James, Logan, and David go in. They look through each corner but no luck.

"Maybe it was just a rat?" Dylan says after looking at a dead rat on the floor.

"Let's go upstairs then," David says and heads out but Logan stops them.

"We don't need to use the stairs. I have a map." He looks through his phone and shows them an underground map of the castle.

"My dad had this. According to this, there is a secret passageway from the servant's room to one of the rooms upstairs. And it isn't King Benjamin's or Samuel's room. Noah doesn't know about this passageway." He zooms in a little.

"The passageway then opens to an adjacent room and then it goes directly......uhm.....here down...through the adjacent room."

"That looks like the prison." James looks carefully where the passageway goes down.

"Let's find that passage first then," Logan says as he studies the map. David calls both William and Clive in.

"It is better to go through this secret path rather than on the open stairs. I am scared." Clive shivers to show he was scared and David rubs his back to assure him.

After some digging, they finally found the passageway but it had cobwebs and dead insects rotting inside. William steps up to go first and see if it is safe or no. he is followed by Clive, Logan, and Dylan. David and James are the last ones to go through the passageway and James covers the hole.

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