6. Contract

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"Stop laughing!" Dylan says grumpily. Clive couldn't stop laughing when he heard what James said. He looks so whipped for Dylan!

"Maybe you should give him a chance to try it out," Clive says suppressing his laughter but Dylan knew it was still suggestive.

"Not you too...ugh!" he buries his head in his hands. But Clive then softens his look towards him and advises,

"But seriously if it goes too far, you can always say no. This is just harmless flirting. He was excited to meet you from the very first day." Dylan nods as they go to their home. Since the office was a mess, they decided to draft the contract in Noah and Dylan's house. And whose idea it was? James!

The discussion was mostly about how they will go about it. James had already drafted a contract so he wanted to know everyone's opinions and then make the necessary changes in front of them.

"May I use the washroom?" James asks, getting up.

"Yeah, use the one upstairs," Logan says without looking up. James thought not to disturb them anymore and would find the washroom on his own.

He climbs the stairs and goes inside the first room he sees. It seems it is Dylan's room. The room had a mellow vibe to it but the walls were grey indicating darkness from within. But the sunshine was beaming through one side, cutting the grey shade and the whole room smelled of Dylan. Of course you idiot! It's Dylan's room so it will smell like him!

But somehow something was attracting him towards those papers on his desk. A family chart! Dylan knows about his ancestors!

"Whatcha doin?" Dylan asks leaning on the door frame, making James jump a little. He keeps the papers on the desk and answers,

"Sorry. Got lost while looking for the washroom."

Dylan points at the most last door at the end of the corridor and James mutters a 'thank you'. He was leaving but curiosity got the better of him.

"I didn't know you knew." James remarks.


"About your ancestors. Noah thinks you don't."

Dylan is dumbstruck. His brother knew about it?

"How do you know he knows?" he asks shocked.

"He told me so." James realizes that they both are hiding it from each other. 

What can be the reason? 

"You didn't know he knew, right? Nice family you guys live in. Don't you communicate?"

"Get out!" Dylan half-shouts at him and closes the door on his face.

Dylan has been seeing the Castle of Nale for a while now in his nightmares. Sometimes he would see people who had a striking resemblance to him and Noah. So he searched about his family history and chart and came to the conclusion that they were his ancestors. Now he knew why he would get those nightmares.

But why would Noah hide it from him?


"This contract is between Mr. James Reed and The Mystery Hunt YouTube Channel and its cast and crew namely Mr. William Payne, Mr. Noah Miller, Mr. Logan Clarke, Mr. David Clarke, Mr. Clive Wood, and Mr. Dylan Miller. Following are the clauses of the contract:" James was suddenly interrupted by Dylan.

"Can you be a little less dramatic? You are reading a contract and not a Shakespearean play." James decides to speak in a more dramatic voice to irritate him.

"So as I was saying, the clauses.

1) The project, 'Castle of Nale' is sponsored by James Reed.

2) The cast and crew of both James Reed Company and Mystery Hunt Company will accompany them on this expedition.

             a) The number of crews will be limited. Not more than ten people combined.

3) The project has to be under wraps until they announce the shooting of the documentary. This means no one is allowed to share details of the research to media or even family members. Another document of confidentiality will be attached for the same.

4) During the research, the cast and crew are welcome to stay at The James Palace, a private property of James Reed which is just walking distance from The Castle of Nale.

5) Whatever information gathered during their individual research must also be shared with the group if it affects the group research in any way.

7) As per the suggestion, the project is on the test run for a month. It is already decided that everyone will provide their full cooperation with the research even if they aren't willing to. And if we still deem fit, the project will continue.

8) Lastly, any violation of the above points, violation of moral and ethical rules, will lead to a court case.

May this collaboration be a lifetime opportunity."

He gives a copy to everyone and sits down looking at their faces. They seem satisfied.

Except for, Dylan!

Mystery Hunt (Complete - Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now