9. Calm Before the Storm

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Past Characters –

1) Dylan as King Rufus

2) James as King Walter

3) Noah as King Samuel


Dylan wakes up from his weird dream again. The nightmares have turned into 'dreams' ever since James had entered their life. He now sees himself or 'someone' looking starkly similar to him with 'someone looking starkly similar to James'.

It seemed as if they were in love. Why is that so? Before he would be left with a feeling of pure devastation after the nightmare but now he was left feeling euphoric. He felt as he was being loved deeply.

The man who looked 'similar' to James was looking at him as if he was his whole world.

"Your eyes. Your eyes hold everything I thirst for." James look-alike speaks to him.

Dylan closes his ears again, trying hard not to think of the thought and the gaze that James had yesterday in the server room. The man in the dream had the same gaze. If King Walter was James's ancestor, it is natural for him to have some physical attributes similar. And if Dylan thinks of himself from the family of King Benjamin, then he also might have similar characteristics. But what is this connection with James and Dylan? What is the connection between King Walter and the man in Dylan's dream who looks like him? And on the top, why so many cheesy love lines?

"I could be anything in the world but I wanted to be his."

Dylan remembers his own thoughts from the dream which were obviously directed towards the man in front of him.

"Ughhhhh! Why does he have to look so similar to James?" Dylan groans while getting out of his bed. These dreams were making him so confused that it was difficult for him to even look in James's eyes. Hence the awkwardness. He prays to move on from this so he can focus on the real work. Castle of Nale.

He comes down to see his breakfast laid on the counter. Noah was already eating his cereal and scrolling through his phone. He smiles warmly at Dylan and signals him to come and eat.

Dylan wanted to clarify something so he thought this was the right moment, "Did you know King Walter was the prisoner in Castle of Nale?" he looks at Noah to see his reaction but he was still the same.

"Hmm..." Noah hums in response, still scrolling through his phone.

"It's so funny that they have so much research on the prisoner of that castle but not the actual occupants of the castle. Like King Benjamin and his sons or even the descendants..." Dylan stresses on the last word, sternly looking at Noah. He swears he saw him gulp.

"Yeah, it is pretty strange. That's why I think talking to the locals there would be more beneficial. You leave that work on me and David."

Dylan is still not sure whether Noah really knows about their ancestors or James was just bluffing.


"What....what the hell are you wearing William?" David looks at him with wide eyes and then closes them. "Oww my eyes!"

"Why? What is wrong with these?" William looks at his beach shirt and thigh shorts.

"We aren't going to the beach," Logan remarks, suppressing his laughter.

"Oh come on. He looks cute. You look cute baby." Noah says looking at William. He puts his suitcase down as everyone was waiting for Clive to bring the car. They were leaving for Nale today and Dylan couldn't be happier. Apart from the slight flirty glances between him and James.

"I could be anything in the world but I wanted to be his."

He shakes his head again to dismiss that thought and reverts back his gaze to Clive as he drives in.

"Hola guys! Ready?" he gets out of the van and Logan takes over the driver's seat. Everyone is swamped at the back.

"The crew will follow us behind.' James says. He is sitting close to Dylan but without any physical contact.

"Okay then. Let's get this!" Logan shouts as he starts the engine.

The whole ride was enjoyable. They were jamming to Backstreet Boys and Westlife and Dylan was shocked to see his music tastes match to that of James. He was comfortable as James wasn't suggesting anything sexual. It was just everyone chit-chatting. He would notice the slight change in Noah's behavior as they got closer to Nale. He was a bit jumpy and panicky but most importantly, scared. 

Scared of what though?

They reach the castle to see it surrounded by some cops. Dylan wants to get a glimpse of the castle but James stops him.

"Have patience baby boy. The cops will hand over the castle tomorrow. Let them do their work for today." He then nods at one of the cops who give a salute to him. Everyone walks behind James as he shows them the way to his palace which was actually a humble piece of abode. The design was simple yet elegant. 

Just like a classy king.

The inside of the house was way bigger than they thought it would be. There were in total 8 rooms to accommodate everyone, some more rooms for the crew, a huge kitchen and a hall. Not to forget about individual balconies for each room. It really was like a palace!

The couples skittered into their rooms meaning to share one room leaving Logan, Dylan, and James with single rooms. Two rooms had a connecting door so Dylan and Logan decided to use them. James makes a pouty face and tells Dylan in a hushed tone,

"I would have loved for you to be in the same room as me, but it is okay." He winks at him before strolling away with his suitcase.

Dylan is finally on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He was in the balcony for a few minutes but the air was quite chilly. Strange that it wasn't even winter yet. He couldn't sleep a wink that night. He was finally going to find answers for his nightmares which had been haunting him since his childhood.

He was going to find the answers!

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