39. The Connection : II

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"James's father, Mr. Arthur and my father, Harvey, both went to the same university. Not only this, but Dylan's parents were also their seniors. They were all very good friends but Dylan's father was more than a friend for Mr. Arthur. They loved each other. More than brothers."

Dylan and James look at each other and realize why they were so drawn to each other.

"That's why Dylan and James are also drawn towards each other. It is because of their ancestral roots. Yes, Walter and Rufus were lovers but their deaths lead to a curse."

Everyone looks at them with shock except for Clive, Dylan, and James. They already knew this.

"I will explain it later everyone. Let's hear Logan first." Dylan assures them.

"Even if these two men loved each other, Mr. Arthur's parents were against it. They can't let their only son be gay. At that time, they did not know about the castle or the curse."

"My grandpa always said he regretted that he separated two lovers which lead to the destruction of our family. But I never understood who they were." James connects the dots.

"Exactly. Once they realized that it was the lover's fate, they regretted it. But the catch here is, the kids already knew about this. Mr. Arthur, Dylan's mother, and father and my dad. They explored the castle once before and got caught." James remembers the pages from Benjamin's diary. This explains how his father had those.

"But after graduation, they all decided to bury this and move on in life. Arthur and Dylan's father promised to never meet each other and keep their kids away from this. He married your mother," Logan looks at Dylan and then at James, "And Mr. Arthur married your mother."

"Mr. Arthur lived in Deltora and Dylan's parents went to the USA. But my father...' Logan stops mid-sentence as he chokes on his tears but Clive and James assure him.

"My father was greedy. He wanted the riches that would come from that cursed crown. Eternal life. He followed Mr. Arthur to Deltora under the pretext of a business proposal. He thought he would change Arthur's decision but he was adamant. James was already going to school and he promised to not dive into this again. This infuriated my father. "

"He deviously planned for everything to repeat. To get the crown, the two dead lovers must reunite. So he....planned to kill James's mother." James's hand suddenly slips from his shoulder as he looks at him dumbfounded.

They all look at Logan and then at James, waiting for him to react. All he said was,

"How.....how did it happen?" he was close to crying.

"He put the place on fire. It worked according to his plan because your mother was the only one who got killed in that fire. You and your father were saved."

James gets up and goes to his room. Dylan shouts at him to stop.

"Wait, James, where are you going?" but he comes back with his car keys and says with rage in his eyes.

"I will not spare that man. He killed my mom! I am driving to the airport. Anyone wants to join me in Canada?" they try to stop him but it was Logan who stopped him.

"He is in jail. He confessed to his crimes of arson towards all the families." Logan says with his head down, "He said that he was being haunted by Rufus and he couldn't take it anymore. It was his delusion because I just kept Rufus's portrait in his room and tweaked the lighting every night. I did it so he would confess."

James sits down on the couch, hugged by both Clive and Dylan. Logan continues,

"Arthur knew that this fire wasn't a coincidence and my dad would come next for Dylan's parents. He warned them and they were equally scared."

"I remember how my parents were fidgety that whole day. They wanted us to get out of the house." Dylan remembers.

"Dylan's father wouldn't leave his wife in the fire so my dad had to change the plan. He would kill both of them and make Dylan or Noah the pawn for his crown. He knew one of them would be the predecessor to Samuel. And by his luck, Noah went inside to save his parents but fell unconscious because of a rod."

"My dad saved him but burned his face in the process." Logan sniffs a bit, "My mother died that day in the same fire because she had come there to stop her evil husband's plans."

"My dad took in Noah and Dylan with me. I was happy to have two brothers but I didn't know what happened to my mother. I was kept in the dark for almost 6 years and then came to know that Noah saved my dad from the fire but couldn't save mom. I was forever indebted to him. But that was, of course, a lie."

William was listening to it very carefully but said something for the first time,

"Noah doesn't lie." He points out.

"He wasn't the same Noah that came out of that fire William. He changed for life." Dylan reassures but William just shakes his head.

"Just continue the story."

"So after Noah was saved from that fire, all of us came to Deltora. Dylan and Noah went to an orphanage and I lived in a hostel. I begged my dad to take me with him. I was scared to be alone. But he went off to Canada, sending me monthly pocket money. And there I met you guys."

"How does it connect to what is happening with all of us?" William asks. Dylan looks at James who was still in shock and decides to tell them everything.

"........and I fainted in his arms." Dylan looks at James and takes a sigh of relief. What a long story it was!

William stands up to clap. David and Clive look at him with a lifted brow.

"I must tell you, what a great story you have woven. It would go great with James's expertise but our YouTube channel does real ones. I would suggest Dylan to stop getting into this bullshit."

"This isn't a story! You have to believe it! I knew about the dreams Dylan had." Clive says.

"So you mean to say my boyfriend is a murderer, a liar, and an escapist?" he looks at Dylan, "Even with your differences, how you can think like that about your own brother?" William was fuming with anger.

"It isn't the real Noah, William. I could feel it yesterday. When yesterday Dylan got arrested, he didn't even flinch and went back to sleep as if nothing happened."David calms William down. "Tell me honestly, you really didn't feel he was someone else yesterday?"

William rewinds to his last to last night and flinches. His brain wants to disagree with them and stand up for Noah, but his heart was beating like crazy. His heart was starting to believe their nonsensical lies.

"I.....don't believe you. Unless I see it for myself. But for now, I have a decision to make." William folds his hand.

"You seriously aren't gonna do that?" David questions him.

"I will. Don't forget my share is greater than all of yours." He says sternly.

"What are you talking about? What share?" Dylan intervenes.

"I have decided to scrap this whole project. We are going back to Deltora today. I and Noah have already packed our bags. I suggest you do the same."

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