46. Climax

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Noah had already opened his eyes but groaned silently when he saw everyone not looking at him. He tries to reach the dagger which was kept a bit far from him, unnoticed.

As soon as he catches hold of the dagger, he stabs the first person's back with it who was in front of him. But when he turned, Noah gasped with shock.

It was William! He stabbed William!

Some try to catch William and some try to take the dagger from Noah's hand but he froze at the spot. He looks widely at William's eyes, getting reminded of his love for him and the dagger falls from his hand.

He rushes towards William, caressing him. Clive and James try to get him off but Dylan stops them,

"Noah is back! The real Noah is back!" seeing William injured, Noah's soul finally got the power to fight Samuel's soul.

He hugs William and whispers sweet nothings into his ears, "Baby, I am so sorry...I am so so sorry to have stabbed you."

Logan brings their attention to the now raging fire, "James, the smoke is near the entrance. We have to hurry." He signals them to help him lift William up.

As they jump out of the passageway, they see the castle engulfed in flames.

"Quick call the hospital," David tells Clive.

Noah is still holding William close to him. Clive and David take a sigh of relief, finally knowing that they out of this chaos. Logan looks at the castle burning and is oddly satisfied that the thing which killed their parents is the same thing that would end this curse.

Dylan has his head on James's shoulder, taking in some fresh air and looks at James,

"There was a poem on the prison wall."

"I know. Walter wrote it when he left Wesley's body there." James looks back at him. He again closes his eyes to recite it,

"Do you remember the night the moon dropped from the sky?
And we ran through the forest to find where it lies,
You were tripping on the tree roots and slipping on snow,
I was holding your hand saying not to let go,
When we found it, at last, there were twigs in your hair,
A rose on your cheeks and my breath in the air,
And the words to describe it got caught on our throats,
as it's silver light danced through the threads of our robes,
We knew that our eyes had not seen such a view,
You were looking at it,
I was looking at you.

And I fell for you."

"The dream. Of us running to see the moon near the lake." Dylan remembers.

"And that was when Walter fell for Rufus." James looks at him with sparkles in his eyes.


The cops and ambulance were already on the scene. They had taken William to the hospital and David and Logan accompany him. The nurses bandage Noah too who has been silent and blank from the start. The cops ask them how the castle got on fire and they went on to slam Noah with questions, but he wasn't answering them.

"Very well, Mr. Noah Miller. You are under arrest. Anything you say now can be used against you in the court." The cop locked his wrists with the handcuff but Noah showed no sign of restraint. The only thing he said was to Dylan and James.

"Thank you. For making me realize and help me fight my own demons."

Dylan looks with a tearful eye as his last family was going away from him.

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