Chapter 3- Adding Insult To Injury

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Canada's POV- Hallway
After First Period I went out to look for America. Word spread around he disappeared, but I don't really trust rumors.
Better safe than sorry I guess, he hasn't responded to my text either. I'm really worried about him, I don't want America to get hurt. He's gotten himself in plenty of fights before, and let's just say....all didn't end well. Whenever he gets hurt I always feel responsible for him, even if it wasn't my fault. America might be a scummy brat sometimes, but he's always been there for me.

Now that Lunch has ended, I still can't find him! I'm getting frantic, I can clearly see Kiwi and Aussie but no America!
I walk through the hallway glumly with my chances grim. I can hear a fight going on but don't bother to look up, it doesn't matter. All that matters is finding America, I can feel a hand on my shoulder so I turn around. "Ukraine?" I give him a weak smile. "Hey, why do you look so glum?" "Nothing much." That's a total lie.

Not wanting to make eye contact I ask, "Have you seen America?" Focused on the fight, he points at it, "Wait isn't that the US?" I dart my attention to the people circling the fight. "No, not in the crowd!" Ukraine shoves me closer. "Then where?" I'm able to get a closer look, and to my surprise-There's America....
Poland's POV- Hallway
The taller figure who beat America up has already left. He got what was coming coming to him. America shouldn't have been so reckless....but he was brave to defend Turkey. Not even I, Russia's own ally, would dare question his "authority." Or at least that's what he calls it. Russia practically rules the school, not by being a popular kid, but by being the "delinquent" nobody messes with. Everyone but America.

Turkey tried to, but was met with an unfortunate fate. For what I know, he's not going to try again. America's different though, one hit is not going to knock him'd have to kill him in order to stop him. Killing countries is hard, I've been ripped apart yet I still manage to live another day. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Canada. As he gazed at his brother, he filled up with guilt and shame. I know that because I've felt the same.

Sure the same thing didn't happen to me, but I can relate in a way. Finally, with his shrill voice, he squeaked, "Who did this?" Immediately the other students started laughing harder and harder, pointing at Canada and doing bad imitations of his voice. Studying his expression, I could tell he felt crushed. Flashing him a look of pity and I began to leave as
most shuffled away snorting and waving their phones.

Abruptly, I stopped. There was a strange feeling in my gut, something that was telling me to stay....but why?
Hesitantly, I turned back to Canada and tried walking towards him, but couldn't get my legs to move. Panicking, I stomped my foot on the ground to get his attention. He looked back at me meekly, expecting a taunt or to be mocked once more. I only shook my head inconsolably. Looking directly into Canada's gaze, I muttered one word-"Russia."

After that, I turned away and fled. Alarmed at the scene I witnessed, it startled me enough that I was trembling by the time I got to 6th period. "You alright?" Germany was always asking me, "I'm fine." "No you're not."
Why won't he leave me alone?
__________________________________________________________________________________Canada's POV- Hallway
I look back to Ukraine, his expression is priceless, and not in a good way. Then I turn my attention to America. He's hurt...there are wounds everywhere, a black eye-I can't. I can't. I can't. Dropping to my knees I breakdown. In front of Ukraine. In front of the rest of the lingering crowd. I crawled closer to America, he's unconscious. Hugging him, I pat his head to comfort him. I feel sick, what kind of brother am I if I couldn't even keep him safe from harm for a day?

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