Chapter 13- Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right

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America's POV- Home
I rode down the railings of the stairs with ease. "You're all going to hell..." I hummed. Canada was calling everyone downstairs for a good old family meeting. Yippee...I yawned tiredly due to the lack of sleep. Yesterday night, I was thinking about Rus for hours, not getting a wink of sleep. Everything seems to remind me of him. He's so...unforgettable? But I also had other reasons not to sleep-If I don't get everything I planned to do, I'll feel unsatisfied...which I forgot to pack up the night before. The dissatisfaction I got came with a hefty price. Guess what it is! An advanced insomniac headache.

I'm also very riled up because of the 'may or may not be missing a few things for the trip.' Yeah. Figured packing up at earlier, but I just had to do it late at night-Wait is 3:00 AM considered nighttime daytime? Eh, I'll just borrow stuff from Can-Man at the campsite-After all, it's only two weeks; ain't it? Can't be that bad, bug spray lasts a month. "OI! Ya gonna get off the rails or nah?" I turned around, only to face an angry Aussie. Oh. Damn he's pissed. Best listen before ankle biter number two snaps.

Obligingly, I leaped off the railings and trudged over to the kitchen. Aussie passed me easily. By the time I got there, three figures were all waiting impatiently. "Mate, what took ya so long?" "B-Bro, I was so worried for you!" "Ya look like sh*t-" An outraged, tomato red Australian cut his twin off; "OI! BACK OFF-THAT'S MY LINE!" Today, Australia was being extremely daunting. What's gotten into his spider's tank? Acting imperviously, I sat down at the table with a sly smirk as the three continued to bicker.

I find it hilarious why they fight over things like this; they all have special roles to play. None were assigned, by the way. Canuck was the peacemaker, Kiwi's the right hand man, and last but not least, Aussie the trouble maker. I never get into these types of 'affairs' as I do not interfere since I have honor, I have pride. If I'm going to fight let it be for something 'worth my time.' But of course, standing around is cowardly-So for once I shall act.

Taking a deep breath in, I proceeded to slam my fists onto the table. "TAIS-TOI, VOUS TOUS! BÌ ZUÎ, DÀJIĀ! KIKI ATU, E KOUTOU KATOA!" (French, Mandarin, and Maori-SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU!) And just like that, they stopped and stared. Great! Now for the negotiations. ", how did this all start?" I fixed myself a patient smile. If all goes well, they will become more knowing and learn from this experience.

My eyes glanced at them and the chairs, switching views every few seconds; this was their cue to take a seat. Stick to protocol or be punished. I have authority over all. All of my younger brothers sat down, shifting uncomfortably in the chairs; fraudulently looking around while giving me very vague answers or excuses. New Zealand went first, 'We decided to chat up the place before you came back,' Canada finished his sentence. 'It escalated quickly. We never meant a thing we said, I never thought it would go this far!' A long silence followed. I frowned. Aus's response was delayed. "Aussie?" I prompted.

Australia was in a nervous sweat, probably unsure of what to say. 'I was-' "Cut." I raised my hand for silence and he closed his mouth. I narrowed my eyes at all of them, challenging each to speak up and tell the darn truth. I already know it for heaven's sake! Can't they just-Let it go, let them be. Nah, I'm not letting them off this easy, they need to learn their lessons! This mustn't happen again. But to do that, I've gotta have the right mood. I snuck another glance of the group, Nada was now quivering as Kiwi fidgeted with his fingers and Aussie was staying completely still.

Time for a change of attitude, this type of atmosphere won't work. "C'mon guys, not even a detective could solve a mystery like this-With such unclear clues..." I whined, returning to my usual tone. Canada kept a straight face as the twins flinched. Telling by their reactions, they knew what I was getting at. Too late. "Have you regretted your actions? You all are old enough to know that having pointless arguments will get you nowhere!" I chided.

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