Chapter 8- Cross The Rubicon

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Russia's POV- Gates, Bus, Sidewalk, and Home
The bus's doors swung open the moment it arrived at the gate. I watched the other students climb in from the sidelines as I felt an arm brush against mine. No wait, that's not right-someone's nudging my arm on purpose. Как раздражает, they aren't going to stop anytime soon. (Russian- How annoying,) In response, I turned around to give them a look of warning, but nobody was there. Hmph, probably just another one of those lame jokesters playing a prank on me. I'll get them back soon, just you wait. "Uh, down here! Not everyone is tall as you Ruski." Ruski? Oh it's just America. I towered over him, giving him my meanest glare to signal I was in no mood to talk. "Холод чувак ...." (Russian- Chill dude ....) He backed down in submission. Почему он? Что за черт? Ох, что угодно. (Russian- Why he? What the hell? Oh, whatever.) At least he backed down. For once! That took forever. Usually he'd stand on his 'tippy toes' to try and challenge me. Which I never back down. Seeing your enemy surrender is one of my many pleasures. But, I find this kinda weird though. Part of me wanted him to stick up for himself. I was really looking for a What am I thinking? I just offered to sign a peace treaty with him and I....

You know what? Just forget it. I like seeing him in submission. Боже, клянусь, если это странно....then I'm going to end my life right here on this sidewalk. (Russian- God I swear if it's weird....) Face palming, I sighed. "Uh, you alright bud?" He asked. What the heck? Bud? "Don't address me like that. It makes us sound like we're friends." I muttered. America smiled smugly, "Isn't that what you wanted?" Конечно, нет. Что заставляет вас думать, что? (Russian- Of course not. What makes you think that?) I never gave any clear signs or mentions of 'что.' (Russian- 'That.') Also, what's with that look? Not only does it make me feel uncomfortable, it also makes me want to pull out a knife on him. As pissed off as I was, I did not. Instead, I clenched my fists, trying to fight the urge that made me want to go and punch him in the face so badly. What else can I do to cope? Yelling, scolding, or perhaps flipping him off? Well, I can't do any of that, actually. If I even lifted a hand near America, that would cause a commotion. I would get put down quickly. These countries have learned to keep their guard up around me. У меня нет шансов ударить его, даже если я попытаюсь. (Russian- I have no chance to hit him if I even try.)

"You gonna answer me?" I looked back at him. Giving it my all, I gave him the coldest look I could manage. He returned with a patient smile. The heck? You should be shouting at me, hitting me, insulting me, being a пенис! (Russian- D*ck!)
What the actual ебать is wrong with you US? (Russian- F*ck) I don't understand this guy at all. I adverted my gaze from him, trying my absolute best to ignore the strange country. Other countries were catching on and expecting another fight. America continued to stare at me as I shifted uncomfortably. Frowning, I realised he was still expecting an answer. "No. What I really wanted was to prevent another Cold War." He slowly bobbed his head in agreement. "That's a good reason." "Благодарность?" (Russian- Thanks?)

As soon I had the chance, I took it and boarded the bus. The bus driver made a new rule where the boys wait outside for the girls as a act of chivalry. Its existence is absurd. To be honest, I thought the idea of it was dead. But since there's only a few girls in my school, we normally wait outside for about five minutes. Not bad for a school of 197 countries. Alas, the adverse news about the rule is: The numbers of fights and disagreements can form in that time. What can I say? Things get out of hand relatively quickly. Everyone has different opinions and perspectives. Only three minor incidents happened the whole school day. You'd expect it to be worse, but it's honestly не так плохо. (Russian- not so bad.)
If you distance yourself from others, then none of those events will happen. Проще, чем кажется. (Russian- Easier than it sounds.) Now then, back to the actual story. As I was making my way to the back, America followed me like the interloper that he was. He should stay out of the things that have nothing to do with him! If US actually tried that, then he'd never get himself or anyone else in trouble. Stupid, nosy, obnoxious American...

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