Chapter 15- Pucker Up Buttercup

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America's POV- Cabins
" T h e   h e l l ?   Y o u ' v e   g o t   s o m e   e x p l a i n i n g   t o   d o ,   А м е р и к а . "
Instantly, my mind went blank. I greeted him back with a stutter, "H-Hi Russia." The words coming of my mouth seemed wary, even I knew that! But, I can't let him get to me. I can't be afraid. That's shows weakness, and I am not weak! Despite the questionable introduction, I forced a patient, calm smile. Inside, my heart was beginning to throb. I inhaled sharply-By the second it was becoming harder and harder to breathe.

The scenery around me grew dimly lit. Intrigued by the sudden change, I took a quick glance around us; the walls were slowly losing color, fading into a deep black. Same with the floors, the countries, and everything else. Oh god. This is the worst episode yet. I pressed my shades farther up, not caring if it made a mark on my face. I couldn't see sh*t. I've got to go-Now.

" W h a t a r e y o u d o i n g ? "

The silhouette of Russia faced me, seemingly looking deep into my eyes. For a second everything was filled with bright, neon colors. What the hell? I quickly shut the door on his face and ran into the bathroom. I locked it-Gingerly. That's never happened before. As soon as I spun around, the 'shaders' disappeared as I was met with my ugly reflection. I was looking at the mirror.

Sticky black substance was trickling down each side of my face, onto the once clean tiles of the bathroom floor. How revolting. I giggled quietly. A mistake was made when doing so, I lost control almost instantly. That giggle turning into a light laugh that morphed menacingly. Cackling, my tears mixed with the liquid, creating a disgusting concoction. Wha-Why am I laughing? This isn't funny! But knowing that, I didn't stop. I couldn't stop.

Not in the right state of mind, I grabbed the razor blade instinctively. I keep resorting to violence, despite the 'make love, not war.' What a hypocrite I am. Outside, I heard Russia still fumbling with his keys. Give up buddy, it's no use. No one can stop me now. No one can help me-The sound of the door opening made my heart lurch dangerously. I need to be quick.

Bringing the blade to my arms, I pressed it into the skin-Until the weapon drew blood. I already did enough damage before-Why am I cutting again!?!? My senses came flooding back. Oh lord. Even I had to admit, the sweet, sweet pain was memorizing. It was agonizingly addictive. I swallowed back a moan-God, I need to control myself. I ended up making multiple indents, slicing through into my soft skin.

Blood seeped from the newly slit wounds. Cutting works wonders-*KNOCK* Well sh*t, I don't give a damn for what happens next. "United States of America, выйти из гребаного туалета." (Russian- Get out of the f*cking toilet.) Ruski commanded. Oh get off my a**. I've just started, you can't take me away from my best friend! (AKA razor blade, he's insane ight?) By the way, it's actually bathroom-Thank ya very much. "Leave me alone." I hissed. "Нет. You need to stop hurting yourself, it won't help."

A thump followed after his statement. Sounds like he's leaning against the door. Great, now I can't leave. And I sure as hell know he's not going away anytime soon. Also-What the f*ck does he know? "Why are you so stubborn?" I asked. My fingers traced the razor blade's sharp edge. Now that he's here, I can't do much. He'll literally break down the god damn door if I even make one noise-That 'implies' me cutting, of course. "I should be asking the same thing." Rus muttered.

Ahaha. Nice comeback. "No really, please answer the question." I insisted. Dipping my index finger in the small pool of blood, I pressed it firmly against the rim of the tub; leaving a bloodstain. Cool, it's like fingerpaint! Russia's voice made me 'cut off my train of thought,' "Think of it like this: If you saw a person in need of help, wouldn't you-" That went in one ear and out the other-As I've already had an 'earful' of that kind of sh*t before.

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