Chapter 24- Break A Leg

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The video above has nothing to do with the chapter, but I really like it!
America's POV- Graduation and the Office (Time skip!)
I marched up the aisle, waving at everyone as my name was called. This is it. It's really happening..! I'm graduating high school-I'll never have to step foot into this hellhole ever again! My gown swayed and glistened under the spotlight. Tilting my cap to the side, I thrillingly retrieved my certificate. The crowd applauded me, filling the air with 'appreciation sounds.' I couldn't help but grin. All these people...even if they didn't know me, they're still rooting me on.

This...this feeling feels nice. Makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. Dipping my head in acknowledgement, I walked backstage, settling into one of the chairs while purposely leaning on Russia. I don't care if people are staring, I want a kiss! Staring deep into his pupil-less gaze, I pursued my lips, instead of talking. Don't want to draw any more attention then I already have. He bit his lip and pushed me away, adverting his eyes to the wall.

Aw, c'mon! I didn't wait this long for nothing. Mundanely, I heard the principle, UN call him up. "That's my cue..." Rus mutters, getting up. Not so fast. I pulled him back down and pecked him on the cheek. "Амери-Какого черта?!" (Amer-What the hell?!) He hissed, trying to hide his fully red tomato flag. With a final smack on my face, he stormed off. Totally worth it. "Break a leg!" I wave, maintaining my cheerful tone.

I then surveyed the area, as I felt as if all eyes were on me. What? Do y'all'd've nothing better than to stare? (You all would have. Excuse him, his Southern is showing.) Well, that's aight I guess. I know I'm hot, but fortunately taken. And ya best be darn tootin' that I'm stayin' true. I snorted, whipping out my phone. Hm, what's new on my feed..? All graduation photos. Boring! Suddenly, a silhouette rushed up to me, pushing me off the chair.

The hell? "Hey, what gives-" I stared at China in shock. Oh, ho, ho. "Salty much? I know you like Ru-" He punched me. Son of a gun. No more playing ni-Calm down! Do you want your scholarship taken away?! Uh no? Then sit your a** down and pretend it didn't happen. Damn, alright. You win this time. With a groan, I trudged to my chair and sat back down. Chi, still not backing down, woefully swung again.

This time aiming for my face. Oh boy.

At this moment-

He knew he had f*cked up. 'His fate was now sealed.'

I dodged with ease, gripping onto his hand. My nails dug into his skin, piercing it. He let of a shrill squeal of pain, crumpling to the ground. Union! You weren't supposed to do that...what else was I supposed to do? Let myself get pummeled senselessly..? You-No way. Not by China. My reputation would fall apart at the seams! I'm already a bit low in that area. Yeah, ever since you started 'hanging' out with Ruski.

Mhm. Little do they know, we're dating. It's not really a secret anymore, to our families I mean. Dad doesn't know though. He'll know soon enough, I plan to bring Rus home today. Him and Mom do this little test on our significant others, to see if they're 'worthy.' When I say our, I mean me and my siblings. They did already the trial on Ukraine and Belarus, so Russia's up next. But-He just keeps on making excuses!

He doesn't want to go, which is devastating and all, but I must admit-Britain is a very daunting man when kindled. Makes sense that Ruski wants to get on his good side and hold back. And to do that, the weather has to be sunny and he mustn't feel any emotion close to anger-At any time of the day. Which doesn't happen much. So? We're still waiting for the perfect day...which is today? That's right!

I plan to shoot my shot. Good luck, I guess. Thanks. UK is tremendously blithe because of me and Canada passing; I suppose things will go extraordinary. I just have to hope that France didn't agitate him with all her praising. 'Russie, Russie!' Is what she calls him. Mom knows we used to be 'childhood friends' so she's already taken a liking to him. Reason being he was my first and only friend back then.

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