Chapter 4- Showtime

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Russia's POV- Bus Stop and the Bus
"Ви спали вчора?" (Ukrainian- Did you sleep yesterday?) "Очевидно нет." (Russian- Obviously not.) I scoffed. "Слідкуйте за своїм тоном." (Ukrainian- Keep track of your tone.) Ukraine warned. "Чаму вы засмучаныя?" (Belarusian- Why are you upset?) Belarus pouted. I looked to the corner and pointed, "Вон тот." (Russian- That one.)

Standing at the corner was a group of countries, Америка and his brothers. "Злучаныя Штаты?" (Belarusian- United States?) Bel pondered. "Да." (Russian- Yes.) I confirmed. Then I realized something was off. How strange, they're not yelling or tripping over each other? Hm. That's new. As soon as they came closer, Canada glared at me, New Zealand looked at me blankly, Australia gave me a anxious glance, and America had a huge smile plastered onto his face. A fake smile, he's really going to try and piss me off, isn't he?

Canada advanced by making a move and padded over towards my brother, Ukraine. Чего он пытается достичь? (What is he trying to achieve?) He's not going to....О черт возьми, нет! (Russian- Oh hell no!) I immediately pulled Raine away from him. Ukraine shook my hand off, "Росія, що ти робиш?" (Ukrainian- Russia, what are you doing?) "Не подходи к нему." (Russian- Don't come near him.) I admonished.

He gave a curt nod and walked away from him without another word. Canada looked back at me in disbelief, "Russia, what was that?" I shrugged. He looked down at the ground defeated, feeling devastated. I felt a twinge of sympathy for him, but I gotta do what I gotta do. And that is to protect my family from further heartbreak; I don't want to hear their cries anymore.

After the Soviet Union fell, we were left in despair. Everyday we cried and grieved, hoping he'd come back. But he never did....and I knew. I even watched him fall apart in my arms, in his last moments. He was the greatest Папа. (Russian- Dad.) I still miss him, even if he did starve us before. I blinked away the tears and rubbed my eyes. As I looked around the bus stop, there were several countries that had arrived while I thinking.

I need to pay attention to my surroundings, even when I'm in thought; Somebody could have went behind my back and 'jump scared' me. God, if that were to happen....I'd be ridiculed, teased, taunting, or bullied non-stop! But, a part of me doubts it. Nobody messes with me and gets away with it. The school bus stops in front of me and I hop on. As I strolled down the aisle, I spotted my seat in the back. Good nobody's here. I sat down and placed my bag on my lap as America sat down, with me.

Wait what? Что за черт? (Russian- What the hell?) He smirked, "Move a bit closer to the window, commie." I huffed, "How about you move your fat a** to another seat, capitalist pig?" "Oh I didn't know you were like that...." "Hm?" "You were checking out my a**?" "Ебать нет! Трахни тебя! Отвали!" (Russian- F*ck no! F*ck you! F*ck off!) I flipped him off. "Sorry but I don't speak communist." He apologized insincerely. Right after that, the other countries around us turned around, expecting a huge fight. And oh boy did they get what they wanted.

"Communist? Quit using the same insult, I'm getting bored." I yawned.
"Well then, does fag suit you better?"
"Нет, I'm pretty sure you're the only faggot here." (Russian- No,)
"Oh really?"
"Your people disgust me, don't you know what gay propaganda is?"
"Your law is stupid! It keeps people from being who they really are!"
"All it does is keep my people from becoming fags like you."
"You make being gay a sin....!"
"All I ask is for them not to do it in front of the children."
"You've only done that so you can hide in the closet longer!"
"That's not true!"
"At least I'm comfortable about my sexuality,"

"You're nothing but a coward." Shortly after America's comment, the ones watching were gasping and wheezing uncontrollably. Embarrassed, I pulled down my ushanka to hide my face. America looked around, just realizing the commotion he just caused. He gave me once last look before grabbing his backpack and walking away as if nothing had happened. Thank God. I'm glad he left.

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