Chapter 7- Up On The Rooftop

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America's POV- Rooftop (Lunchtime)
(Time Skip two weeks, don't kill me. Also I think I have writer's block cause this chapter is literal garbage. You have been warned.)
Ever since I promised Nada that I wouldn't cut, he's made sure I kept my word. And by that I mean he's become extremely overprotective. He takes note of every move I make; whether I'm with friends or not. It's honestly really annoying, he will not leave me alone. All I wanted was some peace and quiet, is that too much to ask for? Can't believe I had to resort to hiding on the Rooftop. But barely anyone comes up here so I bet he won't either. As I opened my lunchbox, I took out the sandwich I made this morning. It was a grilled cheese, basic but better than a regular PB&J. After taking a few bites of it, I felt like throwing up. Clenching my stomach, I thought "Good Lord, what did I eat yesterday?" A final wave of nausea crashed over me, causing me to run to the nearest trash can. I threw up my lunch and then stood there like an idiot. Well that was stupid. I shouldn't have forced myself to eat, I was in really no mood to do so. I looked at the rest of the sandwich. Jeez, I didn't even take big bites only two small nibbles....what's happening to me? I set my food aside, trying not to think about it.

As I paced back in force I tried to convince myself that I'd be fine for the hundredth time, but I couldn't. Then, I suddenly felt a droplet of rain hit my cheek. Right, Aussie said it would rain in the beginning of B Lunch. (Which is his lunchtime.) I wouldn't call this raining, I'd call it pouring. Should have brought a umbrella. I pinched myself as punishment, not bothering to run back to the stairwell for covering. I might go to class soaked and possibly sick but I deserve it. Tilting my head towards the sky I let the rain fall down on me. This was nice. After a good minute of this I decided to drop everything and go over to the railings. I figured that I'd be able to get a nice view of the world down below. My school's located in the city so there's plenty of lights that surround it. When it rains you can usually see them shining through the fog. How pretty...

Closing my eyes, I embraced the sheer coldness the rain had brought. What would Nada think of this? Eh, I know him too well. He'd probably yell at me for being a ignorant imbecile. Afterall, Canada has told me plenty of times to take cover when it rains. Yet, I never listen. I'm too stubborn for my own good, but at least it protects my pride.
If I do get sick, then the only good thing is staying home. I hate school so if it meant being sick to stay home, I'd take that choice in a jiffy! But that's a pretty bad idea to get sick on purpose because then I'd feel guilty about it. Also, there's a thing called makeup work. All I know about it is that I refuse to spend my precious time having to do double the homework because I skipped school for a day. This High School bombards us with homework. I have to 'literally' stay up all night to finish it!

Shivering, I hugged myself tightly to preserve my warmth. Then abruptly, the rain stopped. Wack. I opened my eyes and took out my phone. 12:35 PM, Aus said it'd stop raining at 4. The f*ck? Why's an umbrella floating above my head? This some matrix shit 'cuz I do not see anybody holding it. "'re such an idiot, if you keep this up you're going to catch a cold." Is that...Russia? I turned around, baffled to see a 6 foot 5 tall country towering over me. Yep, that's definitely Russia. "I didn't ask for your opinion..." I looked back at my phone, pretending to be calm and careless but inside I was dying.

As promised I left him alone like he wanted, what's with the confrontation? He's so confusing. The next day he wants 'that' and now he wants 'this.' If he's trying to better our relations then-Oh what am I kidding? He hates my guts. Russia has never tried to build relationships with his enemies. He doesn't care. Once a nemesis, always a nemesis. That's just how it goes. Can't change his uncooperative mindset. Besides, things are awkward between the two of us already. He knows that I understand Russian and have been playing dumb. I know that part for sure. Rus can easily come up with the right conclusions while finding the missing piece of the puzzle.

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