Chapter 14- Rise And Shine

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Warning, Self-Harm and Suggested Lemon, doesn't happen-Just falsely implied
Russia's POV- Bus, Campsite, and the Cabins
"And that's all, grab your assigned room keys and don't kill each other-Activities start tomorrow!" UN concluded the meeting and the crowd of students had spread out in all possible directions. Which doesn't include; Northsouth, Eastwest, Southnorth, and most certainly not Westeast. The scholars were happy and overjoyed-While me, on the other hand, was downright petrified.

I remembered that I had to share a room with America. Всю неделю! (Russian- All week!) And do you know what he does for fun? Flirting. Other than that, everything's just fine. I mean-If he doesn't try to seduce me, I'm sure this be one heck of a phenomenal trip-That's actually worth my 14,727 Russian Rubles. Which is about two hundred US Dollars. Yeah, this field trip was very pricey, costed me an arm and a leg. Я надеюсь, что я не жалею о подписании этих документов. (Russian- I hope I don't regret signing those papers.)

If Америка were to try anything funny, I wouldn't be able to back out of it. The deal's official and I'm horrified of what Meri's planning. He's been acting real shady-"Ruski, c'mon...we've gotta get going!" America tugged on my sleeve. I nodded brusquely and quickly grabbed my room keys. Dragging my bags, I followed him out the main building. We walked on the rocky path in silence for about five minutes. Every single part of me was screaming, 'Я терпеть не могу!' because it was too quiet. (Russian- I can't stand this!)

The atmosphere between us is so tense-Why isn't he talking? Merica was notorious for being a blabber. To get him to talk-Должен ли я что-то сказать? Что если он находит это странным? (Russian- Do I have to say something? What if he finds it strange?) Whatever, I'll take the risk. "Ahem. This place is truly a beauty; what do you think?" I mentally slapped myself. That sounded better in my head. He gave me a look that slowly turned into a smirk. Damn, I know exactly where this is going.

"Ooh, getting brave aren't you?" Ame goaded. I tensed. At this moment I knew I messed up. Бог, I seem so clingy and desperate that it hurts! What's the matter with me? Wait-Could it be? о черт возьми, нет, get a grip, Russia! (Russian- Oh hell no,) Think fast or you'll never hear the end of this. "На самом деле, нет. You're just really talkative so I was confused." (Russian- Not really.) I blurted out. Luckily, my words didn't run into each other, like I was slurring. He immediately spun around, nearly dropping his luggage.

"Confused about what?" He questioned. I responded, "You weren't talking." I passed him, walking ahead. America turned his head to look at me, with a raised eyebrow. "Ah, so you enjoy my rambling?" "I guess? I'm not sure." I shrugged. This conversation is getting us nowhere, I'll have to-"So, does that mean I'm supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?" He said articulately. What in the world? Как, черт возьми, ты вообще так говоришь? (Russian- How the hell do you even say that?) I'd be stuck on the supercalifragil-What now?

Merica pointed at my face and laughed, "Dude, look  at your face!" I rolled my eyes. This cheeky country just loves to confuse me, doesn't he? After a long explanation about 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,' US switched the topic to burgers-Which I had the courtesy and decency to switch the subject to food in general. Because there's no way I'm holding a conversation about burgers for more than ten seconds-But if you were to pay me 381 rubles, I'd think about it.

"Hey bro, what do you want to eat? I heard lunch is at one, it'll be a while." America inquired. The moment he said that; the back of my head was saying 'Души невинных.' (Russian- The souls of the innocent.) ха-ха, that shows Ame's showing me too many vines. They're just taking effect. "A bagel." I muttered. He pulled off another one of his sly grins, "Two bagels?" Wow, his accent changed... "Sure, why not?" I replied. I checked the time, twelve o'clock. One hour's not too bad, I might take a thirty minute long nap when I get to the room.

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