Episode 1

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PoV: Sonic the Hedgehog

  Loud sirens ran past me and Tails as we were walking home. There was smoke rising into he distance. Our friend Amy and Knuckles were with us, we had all planned to hang out after school and my place today. The smoke looked close, it was giving me a worried feeling.

"A fire?" I stopped and looked at my phone, I had gotten a warning.

"We should check were that fire hit," Tails suggested, he was squeezing my hand.

"It looked a little close to home didn't it," I felt a little anxious as we went towards the smoke. I ran ahead with Tails behind me, and our worries were right. The house was mostly in ruins with some of it on fire.

  I ran in and found my room. I looked under my bed, there I had a box with everything of value to me. I grabbed it and the toy plane Tails named Tornado, as well as a picture of me and Tails when we first met.

"Sonic you okay?" Tails took the plane from me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed to get a few valuables," I showed him the picture, "Besides, I don't think the house is coming back.

"You grabbed this?" He took it from me, "That was dangerous!"

"I know buddy, but we need to find somewhere to sleep now..." I looked back, the house collapsed. There was nothing left, "Besides you built this plane yourself, it means a lot to you."

"You can stay with me," Knuckles suggested.

"You can stay with me Sonic," Amy grabbed my arm, "But I only have one bed~"

"Thanks? But we'll just stay with Knuckles," I pulled my arm away.

"Ugh, you boys always stick together. Fine, go be boys," she clicked her tongue, "Sonic~ my door is always open for you."

"No thanks, I'm good," I shuttered.

"Let's get you guys settled at my place," Knuckles suggested we start walking.

  We ordered food that night and quickly discovered there was no room for three people. The couch was crowded for all of us and I ended up sitting on the floor most of the time. When it came time to go to bed, Tails had a pillow and blanket on the couch, I was on the ground with nothing... it was fine at first, but Knuckles started snoring. I already squished between the couch and table. There was no place left to go... I couldn't sleep at all.

"Sorry Tails," I walked to the closet at around three am, I was just too tired.

  I pulled out the all of Knuckles coats from the closet and slept in the closet after sitting it down. I sniffed as the cold air kept me up all night. It's cold....


"Sonic... Sonic!" Tails woke me up, he was leaning over me.

"I'm up..." I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Did you sleep here last night?" Knuckles asked.

"Yeah Sorry, there was just no space for me," I hugged the coats and sniffed.

"Maybe you should stay with Amy..." Knuckles suggested.

"No! Do you remember last time I stayed the night?" I shuttered at the memory.

"Oh yeah, you disappeared for three days without a trace," Knuckles laughed.

"Yeah, cause she tied me to her bed! I can't go back there..."

"She didn't do anything but play with your ears and feed you," Knuckles smirked, "Don't tell me their sensitive~"

"Don't even think about touching my ears," I growled.

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