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jimin shuffled around a bit in his sleep. he tried forcing himself to go back to sleep, knowing that he had still been tired. but he found it too hard to go back to sleep. it's a weird instinct. once he's half awake, he can't go back to sleep, which sucks, cause then he's all annoyed. but right now, he can't be annoyed. he woke up in jungkooks comforting arms. it had been a long time ever since he was in this position.

jungkook softly breathed as he continued sleeping, jimins eyes scanning every little detail on jungkook. staring at his lips, nose, little birthmark underneath his nose. jungkook was ethereal. but there was no way in hell he would ever get back in a relationship with jungkook.

or would he?

jimins pov:

sure, i felt my heart melt when i was held in jungkooks arms, but the feeling quickly went away. i felt my eyes water. why? oh, right. i never did explain how jungkook became my ex. it's pretty tragic. let me take you back, to the innocent, park jimin. who was clueless about what love was.

it had been summer of sophomore year, entering junior year afterwards. me and jungkook were love birds. i loved jungkook, i really did. i made him pinky promise me we wouldn't ever, break each others heart. i was an innocent soul. i believed in true love. i shouldn't have.

jungkook and i had been invited to a party, yoongi, hosted. me and yoongi were friends at the time. however, i did have a small crush on yoongi. what can i say? yoongi's fucking hot, always has been. but, i thought of it as me crushing over a celebrity, i'm allowed to do that.

my body that summer was, not to be cocky, fucking amazing. i'll admit, i was a chubby boy freshman year. but after constantly being picked on, i changed that. maybe not in the healthiest way. but that's when jungkook came in and helped.

anyways, back to the party, we arrived. i think i was a little to excited as i rushed to get jungkook and i drinks. this was the night to show off our relationship of nearly one year. two days after that we would've hit one year. emphasize, would've.

i bumped into taehyung at that party, and that's when baby daddy number two came into my life. he was extremely sweet. he distracted me. made me completely forget about the fact that jungkook had come to the party with me.

taehyung slipped in flirty phrases, not failing to fluster me. but that's when it hit me. i had a boyfriend for christ's sake. and, i truly loved jungkook. i, really, did. i wasn't going to let this sexy ass man make me fall for him. not yet.

"sorry, it was nice to meet you but i, have to go find my boyfriend!"

"boyfriend..of course.. go on, doll."

that's where the nickname began. doll. fuck you taehyung. i immediately left. i wasn't going to let him see the effect that pet name had on me. i stumbled on a lot of cups thrown all over the floor, couples nearly fucking on every furniture in this damn house. i sighed as i saw jungkook nowhere to be found.

i desperately texted him, worried. did something happen to my kookie? did someone kidnap him? murdered? drugged?

to : bestest hubby.<3

baby, where are you? sent 10:34pm

jungkookie..i'm getting worried. sent 10:39pm.

are you safe at least? please call me. sent 10:41pm.

junggkookjd olease anssern sent 10:50pm.

tears covered my phone. not being able to type anymore due to the wet screen. i felt my body tense as i felt a hand lifting up my chin. my tears exposed to the taller male. my cheeks red due to all the crying.

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