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i noticed my views have went down and obviously cause i take ages updating but i appreciate everyone who still reads up to now <3 i enjoy writing this and i read every comment, i love em :).

short chapter!

⚠️half smut⚠️


authors pov:
one month later.

everyone was currently on summer break, getting ready to start their freshman year of college. it was stressful to even think about it, so, they enjoyed every little bit. especially  jin and jimin.

"w-we don't have to if you're not ready baby..okay?"

jimin was hot and flushed on jins lap, feeling his obvious erection beneath him. he loved how caring and sweet his , boyfriend, was. what did jimin ever do to deserve him?

"i think..i'm ready..."

jimin whispered, feeling his cheeks being cupped by jins large hands. the younger felt safe around jin, so so safe. jin probably knew jimin better then jimin himself. which bothered jimin at times when he tried to prove a point about himself yet, jin would prove him wrong, all the time.

"if you're not sure—i don't think this is a good idea bub."

jimin instantly frowned at that. he would now be giving jin blue balls for the fifth time. he wished jin wouldn't see him as some fragile boy, and even if jimin was some fragile boy, he wanted to become stronger. not just for jin but for himself. he hated that he was now considered fragile to jin, but he couldn't complain. the elder was just always looking out for him ever since that tragedy happened to jimin.

"n-no! i..hmph.."

jimin missed love. yeah sex but, making love. sex was another way of saying "love you" instead of "i love you." the "i" is always necessary or else it's, bull shit. in this case the "i" would be making in love, way more meaningful. he just wanted to make it clear to jin that, he trusted him. trusted him with his body, with everything. quite lucky of jimin to be dating his best friend.

"i'm ready..promise jinnie—please make love to me how much i mean to you, please.."

jimin felt jins cock pulsating beneath him, his words had a strong affect on jin, and that made jimin proud. jin carefully let his hands slide back to the youngers small waist, pulling him in closer. their lips brushing. his slender fingers slipping underneath the hem of jimins shirt.

"may i?"

"yes please."

jin chuckled quietly, removing jimins shirt and his own. broad shoulders on display and god jimin already had an image in mind of him having to hold onto them for his dear life as jin would show jimin how much he truly meant to him.

things moved at a medium pace, jin wanting to make sure that along the way jimin was comfortable at all times, not wanting to push any buttons jimin didn't like. but hell, did jimin like every button jin was pushing at.

the two were nude, jimin comfortably sat on jins lap, his long arms holding jimin in place, as they shared a heated make out session. cocks rubbing up against each other. the younger was already prepped and lubed up, the process of it was something jimin would want to relive. constant phrases of, "is this okay?", "ready for another finger, bubba?" "so so pretty, my pretty jiminie", "feeling okay?". jimin thought, how could one be so perfect?

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