Episode 3

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(Y/n's pov)

The very next morning, I felt a hangover pounding in my head. I groaned softly and got out of bed, looking in the mirror seeing my makeup smeared all over my face with sweat mixing into it. I wiped it off with makeup wipes and started up the shower, getting in I start to wash my body while thinking about what happened last night. I'm a whore aren't i? The whole school had to have seen our sex tape by now, what am I going to do? Tell the Dean?
A million questions ran through my mind when taking this shower, I got out of the shower and get dressed. I suddenly heard the bell ring I grab my stuff and leave my dorm. Many people were rushing to their classes. As I'm walking to my class, I see kyle looking at me with a smirk on his face. I shake my head, turning the corner he started following me. I felt a hand grip my wrist tightly and pulled me back, I looked and saw kyle smiling down at me. "Hey baby girl. I need a favor from you." He said, winking at me but I tried to pull away. "I don't suggest you do that. After all, I have everything caught on camera." I glared daggers at him and i stopped instantly as he said that. "What do you want?" I asked harshly as I folded my arms. He chuckled weirdly and just walked closer to me. "I want you on your knees for me. Tonight. If your not there by 7:00, I'll release the sex tape." Who does he think he is? Asking me of such favors, I should just report this right now. But if I do he will release the tape. I'm really in a pickle here. "Deal?" He held out his dirty hand to me with a filthy grin on his face. I shook his hand with regret on my face. "Good, I'll see you there baby girl." I felt gross, my heart sank down into my stomach. I wanted to puke so bad but I couldn't. Maybe I should talk to Owen about this.
He could probably help with my situation.

(Owen's pov)

After walking down the hall I see y/n talking to kyle so I decided to eaves drop on their conversation.
"I want you on your knees. Tonight. If your not there by 7:00, I'll release the sex tape. Deal?" I saw them shake hands but she looked like she regretted it. She seemed so disgusted with this deal as she had every right to be disgusted. I clenched my fists in anger, how disgusting can someone really be and even so that horny.
No way was she going to tell the dean now after that deal was made. He is going to get what he deserves, it's time for plan B.
After they both walked away from each other I walked to my class. I would have to wait for school to be over for this to work.
Playing the waiting game was the most infuriating game to play. And also very dangerous. But anything to put this bastard in his place.

(Y/n's pov)

I was doing the work in class, trying to get my mind off of this. Was he really bribing me for a blowjob? Knowing I could damn well tell the dean while having the sex tape. Chloe knows about the sex tape and she just told me to ignore him and try my best to get through it if he did release it. Cause i don't want people fapping to that shit.
The bell rang, I left the class and I see owen walking down the hall. He notices me and smiles softly. "Hey y/n! You Okay?" He asked, smoking a ciggerite with a grin. "No I'm not...kyle literally just bribed me for a blowjob at his dorm." I say as I folded my arms, upset about the whole situation. "That bastard! Tell the Dean!" I shake my head and look him dead center in the eyes. "If I tell the dean, he will release the tape." I sighed infrusteration and clenched his fists in anger. Same Owen, same. I'm just as frusterated as you are. It feels liken have no other choice to just...listen. "no way are you going there to give that bastard what he wants." He growls angrily. He scared me a bit from his temper, it made me freeze up a bit. "Hey, calm down. I'll handle it. I just have to...have to listen." He put his hands on my shoulder with a bit of a firm grip. "Are you really gonna give him what He wants?" He asks sorrowfully but I just now sadly. I couldn't just stand here and do nothing cause if I do that all hell will break loose. "I have no choice here." I hugged him sadly and he hugged me back and shook his head angrily. "I promise, he will get what he deserves." He whispered to me and I Smiled as I felt my face heat up by his chest. He smelled nice yet he smelled of smoke. I didn't mind it at all. My heart raced a little, letting go. I didn't want to let go, I wanted to stay like that but the stupid bell always seems to ruin the most perfect moments of my life. "Y/n! Let's get to class!" Chloe yelled my name from the far distance. I looked at her then looked back at owen who had, may i say the most sexiest grin on his face. "I'll see you soon." I nodded and o ran straight to Chloe with a tomato face, fixing up my hair. She raised a brow at me and shoved me a bit. "Why are you turning into a tomato?" She asked sharply but I just shake my head smiling with a chuckle. "Oh nothing...don't worry about it." She rolled her eyes and we walked into our class. Someone shoved me to the side, i saw that it was kyle who had shoved me. He looked at me with those devilish eyes with an evil filthy smirk. I grabbed chloe's arm tightly and dragged her to the far side of the classroom away from that pervert.
"Owie!" She complained but I said nothing to her. I stared into oblivion through out the whole class period. Kyle had been staring at me the whole time, looking away a a few times but then turned his attention straight to me.
"chloe he's staring at me..." I whispered to her as she looked his way and looked at me. "Ignore him, he's trying to get your attention." She said and I turned away hesitantly. I tried my best to ignore him but I wasn't doing a very good job.
"Y/n, pay attention." Chloe nudged and I looked at her for a second and i saw the professor was looking at me with a raised brow. He went back to teaching and i slouched down with a sigh as I folded my arms waiting for the bell to ring. "What was that guy talking to you about?" She whispered to me and I looked at her, shaking my head. "Don't worry, we were jus-"
"Miss l/n! Please step outside." The professor said and I looked at her. She looked at me with sorry eyes but I shake my head and step out into the hall and slid my back down, sitting.
This day has been hell.
Satan is punishing me isn't he?
This is hell.
I died and that's where i am.
God you gotta help me here buddy. Why can't we just be friends, drink some wine together and eat bread like buddies do?
Why Me, for fucks sake why me?!
I've been such a good person god, so why ya gotta do me like this buddy?
The door opened and the professor lectured me about not paying attention and talking in class.
"I'm sorry, I've just...really been having a bad day today." "Well that shouldn't be affecting your way of learning in class. Your doing really good l/n, please just focus." I nodded and he let me back in the class, sitting next to chloe and taking notes.

(Owen's pov)

School was about ending and I saw kyle walking out of his last class and he went straight to his dorm.
I saw y/n as well, going to her dorm and slamming the door shut.
Going to my dorm, I shut the door and forged the plan together to take kyle down.

1. Write a note from y/n in his locker with a location.

2. Follow him as he goes to the location.

3. Knock him out.

4. Take him to the storage unit.

5. Give him the hell he deserves.

I grinned at this perfect plan, I kept this list of things to do in a safe in my room, walking out of my dorm. Hours had passed and I had gotten back from the store, getting food and stuff. I saw y/n heading to his dorm.
It's just giving me more reasons to kill this bastard.
I don't mind that one bit

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