Episode 5

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(Y/n's pov)

"Yeah, let's go!" I say, grabbing a jacket and walking out of my dorm and walk along side him. "Where exactly do you wanna go?" He asks, looking at me with a sly smirk as he puts a ciggerite in his mouth. "I don't know...arcade?" I suggested, he looks at me and shrugs. "Sure, sounds fun." His voice caused my heart to flutter. How was he this charming? He didn't even have to do anything, just say anything.
"Let's get to know each other a little bit." He says as we slowly walk down the steps in no rush at all. "Alright um...what do you wanna know?" He shrugs, taking his ciggerite out and blowing the smoke in the air. "Anything, I'm sure everything about you is interesting." He grins but I shake my head with a laugh. "Nothing I do is interesting at all." He gasps sarcastically and shakes his head. "I smell bullshit." He jokes and I just laugh, pushing him gently. "Well...when I was little I had a decent childhood." I start off as Owen seemed to actually be listening to me. "And when I came to college, I've always wanted to study literature. I want to be an author when I graduate." He seemed genuinely fascinated as I'm saying this. The way his facial expression changed so quick, I was really appreciative of it. When I'm on dates I usually get the response of 'that's boring' 'you should pick another career' 'that's dumb' so im pretty surprised that he didn't respond with what I'm used to. In fact he responded with "that's pretty dope, I bet your really creative with what you write." I smiled, looking down at my feet as we walked to the gates of the college. "Thanks, I don't get that alot." He raises his eyebrows in shock. "How could you not?" I shrugged and looked at him with no expression. "Cause people don't support it." He scoffed and looked down at me with furrowed eyes brows and clenched jaw. "Well fuck those people. You do what you wanna do." He says supportivly with a smile as He stomps out the ciggerite on the ground. "Aw well thank you. That's really sweet." I hugged him earning a hug back, he smelled really nice. Was I being a creep? Maybe. But I couldn't help it.
"No problem, they shouldn't be telling such a sweet girl being an author is stupid." That brought my mood to a 100% of happiness, a wide smile grew on my face and then we set off to the parking lot of the college until we stopped in front of a black motorcycle sitting there. "Woah...is this yours?" I asked in shock as my eyes grew wide looking at it. He looked at me and chuckled at my reaction. He gets on the bike and looks at me again. "You getting on or what?" I snapped out of my thoughts and I jumped behind the bike and he started it up. "Hold on, I go pretty fast." He told me which I could only imagine it was a joke. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly with a nod. We start riding out of the parking lot, and he suddenly speeds out causing me to squeak and hold his waist tighter. I felt a vibration, was he laughing at me! "Don't laugh at me!" I yell over the loud motor and he just shrugs, chuckling a bit and stopping at a red light. "Having fun back there?" He jokenly said causing me to glare his eyes. "I'm gonna accept that as an answer." I laughed and poked both his side's, causing him to flinch and glare right back at me. I gave him a look of complete innocence with a small smile and puppy dog eyes. "How could I be mad at such a cute face?" He said and started driving again, going full speed. I blushed a bright red and continued to hold his waist tighter.
He thinks my face is...cute? I mean he thinks I'm cute...does he really? I didn't know how to even process this while i'm on his own personal motorcycle. On our way to an arcade. How could I even have a shot with this guy?!
He began to slow down, taking a turn in a parking lot and parking the bike in front of the arcade. I got off and so did he, going inside together and buying some tokens to play some games.
As we were growing to know more about each other while having fun, a girl walked up to us shyly with her hands behind her back. A blush was on her face as she twiddled with her fingers. "Hey um...I think your really cute and I was wondering if I could get your number." She said to owen with a small smirk on her lips. He didn't seem interested but it just made me angry to stand there trying to hang out with him while a girl is trying to get to him in front of me. Not even questioning that I could be his girlfriend which I don't even think I'll ever be. "I'm sorry but...I have a girlfriend." My heart shattered just hearing that but before I could process, he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head with a smile. "She's right here." Her face flushed with a pale look, she tried to make out words but she shakes her head and smiled with the look of hurt on her face. "I'm really sorry..." She rushes away from us and he just shakes his head with a laugh. That's right, get away from us. I felt a smile grow on my lips as i look Owen. "Nice save." I say, chuckling and he fist bumped me. "Aw your blushing again." He teased, causing me to blush even more and covering my face. "Cause you...ugh." He laughed and suggested we get some food. I nodded plus the arcade was about to close. We walked out of the arcade and got back on the bike and riding to a nearby Restaraunt.
When we got there, we sat in a booth and started ordering some food.
"Tell me more about yourself." I say as the waiter takes our menus and pours us water. "Well, i'm studying to be a film major. I absoultely love movies, especially horror movies. I actually plan on being a producer." I nod, listening deeply as he talks about himself with full fascination for him. "My dad used to actually tell me i'd never amount to anything." I gasped and my eyes grew wide. How dare He! "Well your in college now so I can promise you will reach what you want to." He smiles, the plates of food come our way and set in front of us. The waiter slips owen a napkin with a wink and walks away from our table. He raised a brow and I clenched my fists angrily but i just mind my own buisness and eat my food like I had seen nothing.
"Slut." I hear him mumble under his breath "What does it say?" I asked curiously, eating the food I ordered. "She gave me her number and said call me. Ill save it for the manager." He shrugged, eating his own food as well. "She looks like a wannabe barbie." I say which causes him to choke on his water right when he went to take a sip. I laughed in his direction as he kept the water in his mouth. "Oh my God you can tell." He says agreeing with me and we just continue to make fun of her up until our check came. I began reaching for it but owen stopped me as he pulled his wallet out. "I'll pay." I shake my head and took the check. "Ill take this one." He looked me in the eyes and pulls out his credit card. "This isn't happening." He took the check and slipped the card inside and left it for her to take. She walked over, taking the check and smirking at Owen. "You know...you shouldn't be giving your number nor even flirting with customers. So do yourself a favor before I get the manager." He threatened quickly with the napkin in his hand with a smirk on his face. She nodded quickly and took the check, coming back and giving his credit card back and we left the restaurant laughing our asses off as we thought of the look on her face.
When we got back to the college and parked the motorcycle, we started slowly walking back.
"I'm glad we got to hang out." I say with a smile, looking at him and folding my hands together. "It was an honor with the most beautiful girl." Heat rose on my cheeks as I heard him say this. My heart fluttered and he chuckled at my reaction.
"Too cu-" he was suddenly interrupted when someone rudely chimed in. That someone was, you guessed it, kyle.
"Hey y/n! Remember that project we have?" He asked with a innocent smile on his face but Owen didn't buy it one bit and tried to help. "Me and her were having a discussion. So can you let us finish?" Kyle looked at Owen with a weird look on his face. "I don't think your discussion is anymore important then what we have going on right now." Kyle says which disgusted me to think that sex is more important. Silence lingered for a moment until owen raised his hands in defeat. "Alright, I'll see you later y/n." He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Come by when your done, we can have hot chocolate." I nodded, smiling weakly at him and he patted my head gently. Kyle at this point was getting annoyed and frustrated like there was no time in the world.
"Come on y/n! We gotta go." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from owen which he didn't appreciate nor did he like. He had the most angriest expression on his face as he watched Kyle dragging me off to his dorm.
Dear God I hope it's nothing too rash, I can't handle anything else being held over my head.
Boy was i wrong.

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