Episode 11

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(Owen's pov)

Getting back to my dorm I looked at my medicine bottle that rests on my dresser as a reminder. Thinking about taking them, I don't. I don't need them to live. It's not much of a problem to me, these meds don't do much anymore. I've grown numb but this is my normal. But y/n, she makes me feel things that I've never been able to feel before. My heart races everytime I see her. How could you ever not love such a goddess like herself, kyle would never even have a shot with her. Glancing at my medicine bottle with the cap upside down, I put it in my medicine cabinet. "Never."
The sun coming up, shining through my curtains. I walked out ready for the day I soon see y/n walking down the hallways. She didn't notice me yet I noticed her, I followed right behind her. Her hips swayed smoothly with a confident stride with no fear of Kyle anymore which made me happy for her. Even proud of myself to have that on my hands, I'm that guy who killed the star quarterback for the college to get justice for the girl. I'm her knight in shining armour almost. Chloe walked up to her causing me to walk ahead to not be noticed by the girl who hated me the most.
"Y/n, I need you to come over so we can work on the project." Her annoying voice strained my ears, they felt like they were bleeding. "I'll be there at 4:00." I cursed quietly to myself, I wanted to hang with her today but i guess that won't be happening today. But maybe I can try.

(Y/n's pov)

I'm walking to class with Chloe, we sit next to each other and take notes. I wanted to hang out with owen but I was asked to work on the project with Chloe. It won't be happening today I guess but hey, there's always time to hang in the future.
in class I felt eyes on me all day through out the day. Like sickening looks almost but they should know I have nothing to do with it, i understand it was suspicious.
Words that were said by people as I walked by. My day got worse and worse as I kept hearing awful words from people who didn't understand what I went through. But there was no use trying to explain because no one will listen, they only hear the things they want to hear. The negativity is a virus filling society, breaking people one by one until they're done.
"Y/n! How's your day been?" Owen walked along side me with two Starbucks cups in his hands with a grin on his face that made me want to kiss him then and there. Cry on his shoulder is what I wish I can do. But it will make me look weak. "Great! Just..just Great. How are you?" I can just tell he knew that i wasn't doing too well. "No your not. Tell me." He handed me the other cup which I was assuming by how sweet he was, he bought it for me. "People are just being people." I shrugged and took a sip of the coffee. "Imagine having people think you murdered someone." I laughed and shake my head which owen frowned. "Kyle killed himself, there's not much to it." "Well it's not the case. Cops said he looked tortured before he committed suicide." I explain, taking another sip from my Starbucks cup and he stops for a second and looked at me before giving me a tight hug. Hugging him back I started giving in, crying on his shoulder and tightly hugging back. "Today has been so hard." I choked out as I cried and wiped my tears away only to have more deep down. "I know..But I believe you. You didn't do it, I know you didn't."
After that the day became a little easier with classes and just walking around, owen stuck by me through it while Chloe was still in class. "Wanna hang at my place?" Owen asked with a raised brow but I shake my head sadly. "I can't, I have to finish a project with chloe." Owen looked bummed but although, he seemed like he was expecting it. As though he already knew. "Yeah that's fine, I just wanted to grab a bite with your but it's whatever." He shrugged and looked at his feet but I felt like I needed to go. I lost all ability to think or even function. "You know I think she can wait for a bit." I say and he looks at me with the cutest and brightest smile I've ever seen, I've never made a boy this happy in my life. "Alright! Where do you wanna go?" He asked me which we both agreed on the cafe not too far from here.
Which after school we went to and grabbed a bite to eat. Losing track of time with him is the only thing I feel when I'm with him as my heart races it's just the most amazing feeling. I couldn't be more happier then I am with him. But losing track of time wasn't the best time for my situation. It was already 6:00 and I had to he at chloe's dorm by 4:00. I thought it would only be 30 minutes I would be late but I was 2 HOURS LATE! We soon got back to the college and I ran to her dorm and knocked loudly on her door. It opened and she looked at me, scoffing before trying to shut the door on me but my foot stopped it. "Chloe I'm sorry I was hanging out with Owen, i thought it would only be 30 min-" she cut me off before I could finished which made my heart drop. "Save yourself the excuse because I already finished the project. Without you. Thanks for the help." She snapped and shut the door but I opened it back up and followed her through out her dorm. "Please I'm sorry! I didn't mean-" she turned around and got in my face. "Owen has been the center of your life! You went to hang out with your boy toy which seems to be more important than school work!" She was being dramatic, I scoffed and got closer which made both our noses touch. "You act like i didn't do shit which I did. Your that dramatic that your going to pin the blame on owen who isn't my 'boy toy' you call him! All I ask is for you to be happy for me! Your so fucking dramatic, your gonna stoop so low to make me feel terrible about not coming over to finish it! Fuck you, don't talk to me!" I went to her front door and slammed it shut, going to my own dorm before she couldn't even say anything to me. I was so tired of her trying to make me feel bad about certain things because I won't hang out with her. I pulled my phone out and saw owen's contact and hummed.
'Hey owen, come over. I need a therapist.'

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