Episode 16

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(Chloe's pov)

I've heard she's been out with owen lately, there's something off about him I can feel it. He wasn't right for her, he will break her heart. I got those heartbreaker vibes. I just want to protect her so nothing like Kyle happens again, or John happens. John is a boyfriend she had that cheated on her a few years back. She just keeps getting her heart broken and I regret leaving her alone at that party with Kyle. It hurts me knowing that i could have been the first person to be with her that night, I regret going with davis that night. I was drunk, I wasn't thinking about anything other then Davis.
I'm just sitting at the bench I normally sit at, davis is sick so I'm by myself. I see owen walking alone, I glare and start to follow. I stand up and walk behind him with my ear buds in, knowing he wouldn't be talking aloud. I don't follow close though, I wouldn't want to raise suspicion. My goal was to find out if he is a bad person. So that i can get evidence and show y/n, this is only me protecting. If I don't get that evidence then i guess he is a good person. I'll leave y/n and Owen's love alone and I can focus on me and davis.
He turns around and looks at me and chuckles, my heart sinks down as I look at him. "Following me I see?" I scoffed in defense and pouted. "No! I just so happened to be behind you!" I defended and he rolled his eyes, walking off but I continued to follow him until the bell rang and I went to my own class.
As the day goes on, I see flynn walking by. He didn't look too good, It made me feel bad for him. He didn't deserve that. I walked up and walked along side him. "Hey flynn, I just wanted to apologizing for pressuring you to go on that double date. I shouldnt have done that..." He shakes his head and chuckled. "I don't care anymore. Your good." He said then his eyes widened suddenly. Owen walked by and glanced at flynn, hitting his shoulder on his way. "Dick!" I shouted but he continued to walk off, spotting y/n, he walked with her to the next class. I sighed then looked back at flynn. "You okay?" I asked but he just shakes his head, walking off. I was alone again i guess. My next class was with y/n, I wonder if she will sit next to me. Most likely not.

(Y/n's pov)

Im walking with owen to my class and I felt something was off. But I decide to ignore it, it might be nothing. "Would you want to go on another date with me?" Owen asks sweetly, how could I ever say no to him? "Of course! I'd love to." I smile kindly as him and he suddenly takes my hand in his, our fingers lacing each other. Holding each other's hands tightly as we walked to class, this is all I've ever wanted. I've wanted this with a guy for so long. Owen is what I've wanted, the guy I've been looking for so long. I don't know how chloe could have such feelings about Owen, he's a good guy with good intentions. At least what I can get from.
We get to our class room and sit next to each other. I notice chloe walk in, glancing at me then at owen. She seemed to be disappointed but she sits somewhere else. "Hm, she seems upset...I wonder why." I rolled my eyes as owen said this. "She knows what she did." I say and pull out my notes and start taking notes with the class until it's over.
When the bell rings me and Owen walk out of the classroom, chloe walked behind us. Owen gripped my hand tightly, tugging me away from her. It was near the end of the day and I had one more class today and chloe was in that class too.
I went to my own class, Owen kissed my cheek before leaving.
I sit at my usual seat then chloe sat next to me and looked at me. "Y/n, I'm sorry." I don't say much to that, what could I say? "Okay." She sighed with an upset expression on her face. "Really I am, I shouldn't be in the middle of your love life." "Okay." "Can you please talk to me instead of just saying 'okay'?" I sighed and turned to her and rested my head in my palm. "What else is there to say?" She shrugged. "I don't know just say something other then okay."
"Alright, i'll say this and say it one last time. Stay out of my love life. Me and Owen are happy and we're making things work. I have no problem with being friends just as long and you stay out of this." She nodded and looked at her hands. "Yeah I'll stay out of it. I don't want you to be mad anymore..." "good."
The bell rings the end of the day and me and chloe leave the classroom. "Would you by any chance wanna grab some coffee?" Chloe asks but I declined and said me and owen are going on yet another date. She seemed to be upset about it but said nothing but good luck to me.
"Hey y/n, ready to go?" Owen came up and wrapped his arms around me, I was blushing a bright red and I nodded. "Yeah let's go. I'll come to your dorm when I'm back." Chloe nodded and watched us walk out of the gates and to his motorcycle. Going where ever he wants to go.

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