Episode 7

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(Owen's pov)

Walking around the school the next morning, I saw y/n with a hoodie on and looking at her phone. I discretely followed her, not to be creep. Just observing her like...the freak I was. While walking behind her, I noticed some features about her. Some really beautiful ones too. Her hair flowed smoothly in the cold wind as it brushed over her shoulders. She had great smooth skin I just wanted to touch it, run my fingers down. Through her hair as well. I'm still staring, I notice the way she walks. She's a confident one, her hips swayed side to side as if to tease me. Her body was a perfect shape for her, she was slim I wanted to wrap my arms around her waist and hold her tightly. She was the woman I dreamed of...the woman I begged for that very night. I wanted to see her face though, to see those perfect plump lips of hers. Her gorgeous eyes that shined brighter then any star in the galaxy. I've been so alone for so long I feel like I have a shot with this amazing girl. She could make all the men bow to her by the snap of her fingers, I see why kyle would take a shot to take advantage of this girl. She's vulnerable. I'd kill any man for her to be happy with me, only me. I would make a promise and never break it for her. if I did she could kill me right then and there because I've felt like I've betrayed a goddess. I want to give her everything, even the moon. I want to take her there, to the beautiful moon that hovers at night. I want to be the one to take her on as many dates as she wants, she could tell me where and spend all the money I have if that made her happy. I want to be the one to take her to bed, kiss her goodnight. I want to be the one to make her feel good and yell my name and it wouldn't feel like a one night stand. It would feel like an amazing night to spend with the woman of your dreams. She could scream my name from afar and I'll be there. I'll always be there. If she sang then I'd sing with her. I'll do anything she wants to do. Even if it's out of my comfort zone I wouldn't care.
Being stuck in my thoughts an annoying came from the distance yelling her name. Which was none other than Chloe, I had to walk ahead and watch.
"Y/n! David asked me on another date!" Chloe said excitedly to her as she spread her good news to her best friend. "Great." Y/n said bluntly, from what i heard she didn't enjoy the sound of chloe's good news. Maybe she was jealous? "What's wrong?" She asked curiously which caused me to facepalm at how stupid she is. "It's kyle." She explained the entire thing but this time Chloe seemed to give her advice. "You need to find dirt on him before he can do anything else to you! Maybe even fake dirt. I know someone who's good at that." Chloe suggested. I didn't even have to look at them and I knew she was smirking. "Well owen said he would help me. Maybe I could get him in on it." Chloe scoffed at the thought of me even helping with it. "That weirdo? The guy who was watching you in class?" Y/n laughed it off which I appreciated, i didn't like the word weirdo. Nor the way she even phrased it. "Chloe he's a good guy. Your just too judgy." I chuckled quietly as Chloe began to defend herself. She's also very defensive. Y/n I know you love her but you need to find better friends i thought.
The bell rang and I just decided to walk faster to my class until I saw kyle. I watched him a bit and saw he opened his locked seeing the locker. He smirked to himself and put the note in his pocket, walking off to his class. That sick bastard.
The day went slow, I tapped my pencil on the desk. Oh the thoughts just rolled through like a ball, the things I'll do to him. It just made me smile softly.
Bell after bell, the classes continue to get slower and slower. I wanted to just get it done and over with.
The last class came, I dozed off completely. Maybe after this I'll go to therapy. Therapy is where i'll go.
The last bell and i bolted out the door and to my dorm. I prepped all the stuff i needed for tonight. I put on my black gloves along with my face mask. I grabbed a rag and laced it with chloroform.
Now I wait for the time.

The time struck. I grabbed my black hoodie, along with a hat and going to the location on the letter. Once I got there I had waited for the moment to strike the poor bastard.

(Kyle's pov)

This slut finally gave in to me. After I found the note, I couldn't help but think of the things I'd do to her. Oh how sexy she is when she moans, I couldn't help but feel a bulge in my pants. I get to the location and look around for her, maybe she's not here yet. I walked further, looking at my phone to text her and ask her where she was but before I pulled her contact up someone grabbed me, forcing a rag on my face. I failed around with tears forming I began to scream. I felt dizzy, my eyes closed slowly until I passed out.

(Owen's pov)

I layed him gently on the ground, calling up a study buddy I have.
"Hello?" "Hey gwen, can I borrow your car?" She questioned why but I just told her I needed it so I could haul some stuff to the storage unit I had. She agreed and I hid his body in an alley of the college, taking off the mask and gloves. I ran to her dorm knocking on her dorm quickly and she opened her dorm. "Hey owen, don't crash my car." She said as she held her car keys to me with a soft smile. "Gotcha." I ran off back to the alley, picking him up and rushing to the parking lot. I got to her car and opened the trunk, shoving him and slamming it shut. I got in the car, staring it up and going to my storage unit.
When I got there I opened up the storage and put him in a chair, binding him there tightly with ropes.
I pulled up a cart with some tools, tools I use for humans. I slipped my gloves on of course so my fingerprints don't track back unwanted attention.
The sounds if grumbling, i looked over to see he was waking up. I mine as well help him. I walked over and slapped him across the face with a hard smack. His eyes shoot open, looking at me with shock. "Where am I?!" He panicked, trying to move but he couldn't. "Your with me. That's where you are." I chuckled as i walked back to my cart of tools, grabbing a screwdriver. "Who the fuck are you?!" I looked at him but stayed silent with a smirk on my face. "I said who are you!" I said nothing but he just continued to scream at me, demanding I'd tell him who I was but I refuse with silence. I walked slowly to him and crouched down. "You messed with the wrong girl kyle." I say calmly as I place the tip of the screwdriver on is knee. He tried moving away but he couldn't which made me laugh. "What are you talking about?" I frowned and pressed the screwdriver in his knee. "You know, this is what I do to people who take advantage of girls." I stabbed the screwdriver in his knee, he screamed bloody murder and I began to twist it deeper and deeper with a grin. "YOU SICK FUCK!" Tears escaped his eyes as his breath shook with pain and fear. "No, your the sick fuck for filming a porno without consent and holding it over a girls head who didn't CONSENT to being filmed." I say in a monotone voice as I stare at him with now emotion, no remorse no care. I stood up and pulled the cart closer, getting new tools. A knife. Pointing at his fingers. "Tell the truth, and i wont cut those fingers off. Admit it. You'll be filmed." I turned my phone on, recording him. "I dont know what your talking about." He growled which i paused the recording and took the knife, quickly slicing one of his fingers off. "AAAAH FUCK! YOU...YOU.." He couldn't even finish his sentence as he threw his head back in tears. "Wanna tell the truth? Did you film y/n l/n masturbating?" I turned the camera back on and he cried out. "NO, NO I DIDN'T" he lied once again, I sliced another finger off. "OH FUCK!" He freaked out, he began to gag at the sight of blow spewing out both of his missing fingers. "Don't throw up." I slapped him hard with one loud smack, causing more tears to form. He whispered loudly but I just scoweld at him. "Shut up!" I shouted, he went quiet. "I'll ask one more time. Did you or did you not, film y/n masturbating against her will." He nodded quickly and cried in pain, beginning to shake. "Yes, yes, yes for the love of fucking Christ yes I did! Now let me go please!" His tone was shaking in his voice as his body shook with fear and pain which satisfied me. I turned off the camera with evidence that he admitted he was a fucking creep. I cleaned the knife, disinfecting it thoroughly. His cries were faint as he shivered. I grabbed keys that hung on the cart. I've had this storage unit for a long time I usually call it human discipline then torture chamber. I don't do it for fun, I do it for the sake of humanity. The bad ones deserve to go to hell. But I didn't decide to let him be a free man, oh no, I have a place to keep him. A cage was in this storage unit that I had built a long time ago when I was about 17. I untied him but he got excited and tried to run out. But being as strong as I was, grabbing his hair I dragged him to the cage and threw him inside and locked the door. "No...please let me go!" I ignored his crying begging though, he was a pathetic human being that needed to be punished. "Have fun rotting in here." He screamed and cried demanding I let him out but I shut him in the soundprooff storage unit and left back to the college, giving gwen back her keys to the car. "Got everything done?" She asked with a smile and a raised brow. "Yeah everything is A-okay." I chuckled along with her left her alone back to my dorm. I was going to let him starve to death in there. Or kill him the next day.
Either way, he's got a one way ticket to hell. He won't keep the devil waiting much longer. 

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