Chapter 2

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Me, Cynthia, Evelyn, Sean, Bruce, Noah, and James walk out of the theater. Bruce drops his 3D glasses into the bin outside.

"Best MIB movie ever!!!!"

Sean, Evelyn, and James laugh in agreement.

Evelyn says, "I know right!? That was awesome. Honestly, nothing beats Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson being badass together."

Noah, Cynthia, and I glance at each other.

I shrug my shoulders, "Ehh. I mean it was good. But nothing beats Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones being badass together.

Cynthia nods, "The original three movies are sooo much better."

Noah agrees, "The humor and aliens are soooooo much better. Plus Will Smith is always a win."

Sean, Evelyn, Bruce, and James "ehh" and "I guess" in response as the group walks to get lunch. Bruce and Noah announced that they should go to Wendy's and the rest of the group agreed.

When they ordered their food, they sat and ate, chatting together and having a good time. I notice from time to time that James looks at me intently, almost gazing, while I talk. And I even catch Noah doing it from time to time. As Cynthia and Evelyn chat excitedly to me, my mind wanders off. Does Noah like me? Or were the glances merely accidents. Did James like me? Or was he just listening intently. Suddenly Bruce's voice snaps be back into reality.

"Ready, guys?"

A Wendy's waitress walks out with the frosties and a candle in James'.

Everyone else besides James starts to sing "Happy Birthday" and even some employees and customers join in. James sinks in his seat, smiling shyly and blushing at the attention. Everyone applauds and the customers cheers as James blows out the candle. Bruce and Noah had asked Wendy's for custom frosties beforehand. So the frosties were Oreo cookies and cream with whipped cream on top. The group happily eats their frosties. We give their gifts to James and everyone has a blast. We had already paid in advance, much to James' surprise so we head to the top floor for laser tag and Wii games. 

While we wait for out turn at laser tag, we hang out in a room filled with snacks, water, and a TV with four Wii controllers. We play a couple dozen games then it's our turn to play.


A few things happened in the TV room.

1) James and I played against each other in tennis and he kept glancing at me and grinning. It might have been friendly but it felt too friendly. Like romancy.

2) Evenly made out with Bruce and we went wild.

3) When Noah and I went to grab the controllers, our hands touched and it felt like middle school again.


The instructor of out laser tag game explains the rules. We have all played before so there's nothing to worry about. As soon as the red light beeps, we split up and run in the dark to hide. The groups are me, Cynthia, Bruce, and James against Sean, Evelyn, and Noah. Evelyn makes a face when we split up. Cynthia and I laugh sympathetically; Evelyn's the only girl on her team. But she's fast as heck. Back in 6th grade when we played laser tag, everyone always wanted Evelyn on their team. I crouch behind barrels and the rest of the team is with me. Bruce and Cynthia decide to go in different areas as to not be found with everyone. I hear Cynthia walk up a ramp and Sean shouting.

"C'mon Cynthia!!!!"

Cynthia laughs and jumps down to hide and shoot.

Around the room I hear shouts and laser tag sound effects. Evelyn comes walking over to the barrels and I jump out. But before I get to shoot her she shoots me.

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