Chapter 3

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                               AriaAA ♡♡♡

Ariii: oof omg im sooo sorry

                                nonono, it's fine really :Eriii

Ariii: ok you better be telling the truth

                                            wait before u go :Eriii

           james kissed me during laser tag :Eriii


Ariii: WHAT THE HECKk!!!! :OOO


              aaaa omygosh it was so surreal :Eriii

Ariii: I'M SO STOKED FOR UU        

       asdfghj!!!!! i'll tell u more @ school :Eriii

                                                             read 11:05 AM


I place my phone screen down on my bed. It's Sunday and Aria and I were supposed to hang out but Sean had got in the way. He's hanging out with Aria so much. And I get it but Friends before boys had always been my friend group's rule. I wander around my house. I don't know why we have such a big house if it's empty most the time. Our family has the most expensive house on the block. We already live in a pretty expensive area. The house is like a mansion. It has two floors but every floor is massive. The house is white concrete, tiles, and clear clean glass. While we're at home, cleaners come and clean the entire house. They scrub the tiles, wash the glass, and mow the lawn. The house is very spacious and can be nice but sometimes Erin wishes that they lived in a nice little apartment. Small and cozy. The house is sterile and not at all homey. It feels like a museum or an open house for a stuck up rich family.

I decide I want to bake a cake so I make my way into the too large kitchen and start taking out all the ingredients. I glance at the large window facing the neighbors. Two new people are moving in. I wonder if they will go to our school. I see several large moving trucks and men lugging boxes off the trucks. Inside the large houses I can spot a woman hugging a girl around my age and yelling at a man. I can't hear anything and they're too far away for me to read their lips. In the other house where someone else is moving in, I see a family with a dog. There is a boy also about my age with his father. They're helping the moving people with the boxes. 

Suddenly an idea crosses my mind.

I should adopt a pet. I've always wanted a pet but never realized that I could just ask for one and my parents would just get one for me.

So I call my father. After what seemed like 100 tries, he finally answers.

- *sigh* "Yes Erin, what do you want."

"I want to adopt a dog."

* s i l e n c e *

- "Alright go ahead. I'll transfer a few hundred dollars to your account."

"Thank dad!!"

- "I need to go. Bye."


I hang up and grab my bag, excited. I run to the bathroom and fix my hair into a messy bun and and change out of my pajamas. Connor is in his room, passed out from last night. He had stayed up drinking beer and sleeping with Raquel and apparently many other girls. What a jerk. I quickly slip change into a light top and short shorts. I grab my car and home keys (I live in California so I can driVEE bABY) and run out the door. I quickly jump in my car and drive out of the driveway.

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