Chapter 18

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I'm now in 12th grade! Eleventh grade was tough so this is even tougher. Connor... didn't go to college. But he got a job. Somehow it worked out. Dad had connections with a small boss at Apple and now he's working there as salesperson in LA. Surprising, I know.

Before summer break in 11th grade, Josh left. We were never close friends but it was sad. Bear sometimes looks for Bonnie when we go out. It's so sad seeing Bear notice that Bonnie left. I'm still working at Dog House. Bear likes it when I bring him with me. He loves everyone there. Though I think he recently realized that Luca is no longer around.

Luca and I kinda lost contact. We chat from time to time but we're both busy with our lives. I still miss him so so much. But I've learned to deal with it. Mom and Dad are still not home often so I'm home alone most the time. It's September now. Dad is somewhere on a "business trip" and mom is staying in DC with her friends.

Aria visits really often to keep me company and Bear is with me all the time. Noah is single now. Sean and Aria are still together even after they both kinda kissed other people. Michelle is broken up and single. And so are my other friends except Hana. She found a new boyfriend. This new kid from this year named Tyler or something. He's cute and athletic; like Hana.

But good news is that I finally figured out what I want to become and what I want to major in. I want to major in criminal justice. I've always had a thing for mystery books and judge TV shows. Mom is a lawyer but I don't want to become one. I want to focus on data analysis and stuff like that because I also enjoy math. Well not all the time but sometimes.

Anyways I'm applying for Harvard Law, Northwestern Law, and Yale Law.

I'll think of some other universities or colleges to apply for but this is what I have for now.

Chemistry is so hard and I'm not doing so good. But hey, it's only like the second month of school so I might get better. Who knows.


I'm not getting better in chem. But it probably won't affect my GPA that much. I'm not going to the Halloween party this year. I've already gotten drunk last year when I shouldn't have and almost lost my virginity. Not today.


I found time to video chat with Luca. It was nice. Kinda awkward at first but we're cool now. Apparently he found someone. That got awkward quick. But I can't keep him away from girls until I come. It's not fair to him. Yeah I'm a bit jealous.... but.... no there's no but, I'm jealous. I miss having someone to hold and kiss.


I went to Aria's birthday party and it was amazing, we had a blast. We went to an escape room and went bowling soon after. After our not as close friends left, Hana, Michelle, Emma, Ryan, London, and I went to my house to hang out. That was yesterday. Today Mom and Dad finally came home. Connor is coming back to visit soon, that's why.



I met someone when Dad, Mom, Connor, and me went to Switzerland to ski. Apparently he lives in DC. We exchanged Snapchats and Insta we we're chatting now. He's so hottt. His name is Liam. He has tanned skin, musty blue eyes, and tousled blonde hair. We made out a good lot at DC and I absolutely love him. He's sweet and funny. Honestly, he's the total package. We video chat often.

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