Chapter 20

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First day of college!! I'm excited beyondd words. I can't believe I'm actually here at Yale Law. It's amazing, really. I look at my schedule and walk to my first lecture. I sit down near the front and pull out my laptop for notes. The teacher isn't here yet but a ton of kids are already in the large lecture hall.

Liam took me to a fancy restaurant last week and it was soo romantic. We were celebrating 7 months together. That's the longest I've been with someone. I think I was with Noah for 6 or 5 months. I don't know. I've tried to erase those memories from my head despite some of those being my first involving love.

I look at my phone and reply to Liam's text, mentally shaking Noah out of my mind. Things are looking bright. I'm in my dream school with my dream boyfriend; what could go wrong.


I freeze. I've know that voice... I turn to face the person who called my name.

Oh my god.


God no...

"....Hey.. Luca.."

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