Chapter 12

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Everything is dark. I see pulses of light but it's mostly dark. Who turned off the light? I try to move my arms to rub my eyes but they're stiff. When I move my fingers, my entire arm throbs. Will someone turn on the light? Why can't I– oh.. my eyes are closed. My heavy eyelids flutter open and I look around the strange room I'm in. It's not my room. Maybe it's Noah's. Or Grandma's house. Oh my god... the beeping is getting obnoxious. I try to move my arm again to slam the alarm clock but I can't move it. Urg... I tilt my head to look down at my arm but a shock vibrate through my entire body.


I hear someone sit up from a chair quickly and little taps on the floor. My vision is blurry and I can't really think straight but I see a blurry and familiar face loom over me. I squint under the bright lights and try to focus my vision. C–.. Co–


I make out Connor's angular face full of worry.

"Erin! You're awake. Oh my god... I'm so glad you're here. How do you feel? Are you ok? You're in the hospital. They found you and another kid under a tree and a bunch of rubble."

A wet nose noses my hand and licks my numb fingers.

"Bear! You're here!" I shift my head back to Connor, "I've kinda made out that I'm at a hospital and in a lot of pain. It's ok you dummy. I'm fine.... actually I don't know if I am... why am I here?"

Connor drags a chair next to the hospital bed and sits on it. He brushes away wet hair from my forehead with clumsy fingers.

"You really don't remember.. huh?"

Connor pulls up another chair for Bear to sit on to see me.

I giggle to see Bear sitting on a chair but suddenly it feels like my ribs are shattering.

"Ow.. my god. Why am I hurt, Connor?"

"A tree.... a tree fell right over where you and the kid were hiding. It didn't hurt you severely but you do have a pretty bad concussion and several broken and fractured bones. So does that kid."

He shudders as he takes in a breath and I notice now that he'd been crying. Bear whimpers and rests his head on the edge of the bed.

My head throbs as I open my eyes wider.

"Connor, can you turn off the lights? It hurts."

"Oh, yeah, I'll get it."

He stand up quickly and turns off the light and returns quickly. I notice that my right arm is good but my left arm is in a cast.

"Connor... who's the 'kid'?"

Connor swallows, his Adam's apple throbbing.

"I don't know his name but he works at Dog House."



"Luca.. that's his name."

Connor nods, "Yeah.. the kid– Luca, he's also hurt."

My eyes widen, I try to sit up in the bed but every bone in my body protests and I fall back down. Connor grabs a small bottle and helps me sip down some water. I wipe away the water on my chin.

"Luca, is he ok?"

Connor chuckles softly, "Why, you like him? Don't you have a boyfriend?"

I laugh weakly, my ribs rattling painfully inside me.

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