Chapter 15

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It's finally the Halloween party!

I pick up my croquet mallet and smooth my yellow blazer. I walk out of my compound and meet up with Michelle, her boyfriend, and Aria in the compound a few walks away from mine. We take Michelle's convertible to London's neighborhood. Luca said he's already in the party. When we pull up to the house Michelle's boyfriend snaps dozens of photos of the three of us with our mallets.

Michelle kisses her boyfriend.

"Let's go in!"

We walk into the house and are hit by bright strobe lights. Decorations are everywhere, corner to corner. A lot of sofas, beanbags, and chairs scattered about the large room. A ton of kids in our grade (11th), some from 10th and more from 12th. A ton of couple making out but more friends vibing together. The music is loud and the DJ is making everyone pumped. I walk to my friends and we drink coke and sprite. I'm trying to say something to Aria above the loud noise when someone grabs my shoulders from behind.


I spin around quickly.

"Oh my god, Luca! You scared me!"

Luca grins, "Sorry.. not sorry."

I laugh and playfully poke him with my mallet.

Aria and Cynthia look confused as I laugh with Luca. I remember they don't know him.

"Oh right, you guys, this is Luca. He's a friend; we work together at Dog House."

Aria has this happy and sneaky sparkle in her eye as if she knows something. Aria and Cynthia greets Luca and introduces themselves.

Cynthia starts chatting with Luca real friendly to start a conversation. But Aria shoots a glance at Cynthia and she trails off.

"Well... Aria and I are going to the Haunted House next door. We'll be back soon."

Aria smiles and walks off with Cynthia. Luca turns to me after they walk out the door.

"Do they not like me?"

I smile confused, "What? No it's not that they don't like you they left because.."

In a second I realize everything. After Rocky went to the vet and I hugged him when he probably thought I was going in for a kiss. He looked disappointed. The slight hints when I broke up with Noah then we talked at the beach. He sounded disappointment when I said I was done with boys. Noah said he looks at me like he likes me... How he looks at me when I talk. And now when Aria gave that look to Cynthia. We give that same look to others when.. oh my god.

Oh.. my god..





Luca likes me.... LUCA LIKES ME?!

oh my god..... !

"– Aria's on her.. you know.. so she had to go to the bathroom.."

Luca laughs nervously, "Oh ok. I get it..."

I nod slowly and sip my sprite. I feel Luca's eyes on me, blocking out the loud music and chatting. Luca sets down his cup.

"Hey I'm going to go to the next room where some of my friends are. But if you want me to stay.."

"No, no, it's ok. Go have fun."

Luca grins and gives me a thumbs up as he leaves I watch him walk into and dispensary in the next room. Luca.. likes me.. Luca.. LIKES ME. OH MY–

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