Chapter 6

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It's two days after our half school day and the day I kissed Noah.

I wake up and Bear is curled up at my head. He has no regard for personal space and loves being near anyone. I swing my legs over the side of my bed and stand up to get dressed. The entire time I'm changing, Bear steals my pillow and sighs happily. I wash my face and look at myself in the full length mirror. I'm wearing a white tee and slightly torn skinny jeans with a flannel tied around my waist. I check the weather and decide it's cool enough to wear the flannel normally. I walk over to my nightstand and look at my contacts. But I don't want to deal with that today so I grab my glasses from my case and put them on. I had gotten a haircut yesterday so now my hair is shorter than shoulder length. I untangle the wavy mess on my head and clip back the front part of my hair.

Bear wakes up and is ready for his breakfast. I walk down the stairs with Bear, helping him as I did (he's not comfortable with the stairs yet). I fill his bowl and grab my bag to put my wallet and gum and candy in it. While Bear is inhaling his food, I blend a smoothie and grab a couple pancakes from the fridge to heat up. I walk over to the toaster to take my pancakes out and as I'm returning to the table, Bear is done with his food and his giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Awww, Bear. You hungry still, buddy?"

He licks his nose and trots over to his bowls to get a drink of water. I finish my pancakes and guzzle down milk. Bear sits next to me and rests his head on my lap, looking at me and then looking at my plate. I play with him after washing up the dishes. Connor got him a tough toy for big bully dogs and he loves it. It's a big caterpillar toy that Bear loves to chew at.

After Bear is done playing, he plops down in the middle of the hallway and waits for me to finish brushing my teeth. Aaaaand I'm done!

"Bear!! I'm done! You want to go to Dog House?"

Dog House was where Bear was adopted and where we get his food.

Bear, not knowing what I was saying but excited because I was excited, jumps up and runs to the door where his leashes are. I giggle and fasten the collar and leash on a very excited and happy Bear. I text Connor's phone and walk out with Bear. On the other side of the road, I see Josh walking with his Labrador Retriever, Bonnie. He sees me and waves a small wave and I wave back. Oh my gosh! I completely forgot to talk about how Josh and Claire are doing in school! Well Claire is pretty comfortable with the sometimes-nice-kinda-mean popular girls. I know all of them and we are kinda friends but not close. Josh is friends with Noah and Sean and Bruce and all the other dudes since there aren't really any cliques with the boys. He's already kinda popular with the girls and so is Claire with the boys.

I walk over to my car with Bear and let him sit in the back seat since we're not fully comfortable with the car. I tie his leash to a seat belt and he immediately lies down on the floor. A few days ago, he almost fell down from the seats and is terrified to go back on them. I grin as Bear's tongue lolls out happily. I walk over to the driver's seat and scratch Bear's head before starts the engine and driving off.


When we arrive at Dog House I let Bear sniff the other dogs. He's so cute and looks so much better than he did when I first adopted him. I greet some of the owners of the dogs Bear sniffs at. Everyone's so friendly and they all love Bear. I slightly tug at Bear's leash.

"C'mon buddy, we gotta get your food."

The old lady with the poodle laughed, "I think your little giant really wants to play with a little baby."

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