Chapter 4

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I wake up with my head at the foot of the bed and Bear sprawled on my pillow. I see a spot of blood on my sheet.


My period came.

Bear waked up and sniffs the blood and sniffs me, worried. I pet him to calm him down and I tear off the sheets from my bed. I get quickly changed and put on a pad. Then I walk with my laundry to the washing machine room next to the bathroom. I press the buttons and walk off to my room. Today I decided to tell the school that I was sick. So I called my mom last night and she emailed the school. I did it so I can spend time with Bear. My phone starts to buzz like crazy. I pick it up and realize it's the grade group chat in Snap chat. I mute the notifications but scroll through the messages. I see texts that yell: "SCHOOL'S CANCELED FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW!!" and "omg we don't have school".

Then I realize that it's raining like crazy outside. The ground is flooded and I can barely see anything. I walk into the kitchen with Bear and Connor is already there with cereal on his lap and phone in his hand.

Connor pumps his hands into the air, the bowl of cereal tipping dangerously.


I pump my hands in the hair with him, "WOoHOO!!"

Bear gets excited seeing we're excited so he howls along with us. We laugh and settle down. Connor greets Bear and gives him a belly rub. I take the bowl of cereal from Connor. He looks confused.

"What the heck. Why you taking my cereal for?"

I set the cereal aside.

"Becauuuse. We're having pancakessSS!!"

Connor looks so excited, "Eyy!!!"

I pull out the ingredients and start the dry together.

"Ey Connor, can you fill Bear's bowl with kibble? He lays down and waits for the food."


I speed mix the ingredients and bring them to our empty table. I set the table with berries, pre-cut fruits, syrup, and honey. I lug the burner on the table with Connors help and set down the flat rectangle pancake pan. We sit and make the pancakes. Connor makes a few shaped like hearts and I make mini ones. We eat happily together, realizing we haven't done this in a long time. We research what we can give dogs and find out that Bear loves blueberries. After dinner, Connor offered to do the dishes and thanked me for breakfast. I cleaned the table and chatted to Connor about all sorts of stuff while he cleaned the dishes, Bear by his side begging for more blueberries.

Suddenly I have an idea.

"Hey Connor. I'm going to Hana. Maybe I'll call up James and London to hang out in the underground party place thing."

The architect of the neighborhood that passed recently loved parties. He had made a large underground community basement area where he hosted parties and so did many others. There were strict rules for the area. For example, people weren't allowed to keep the entire basement for themselves. Right now, it's completely empty down there except for a few boxes and chairs. It's a safe route to go to someone else's house.

Connor nods, hugging Bear, "Be back for lunch. I'm heating up some stuff."


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