Chapter 19

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Three days after the graduation day

After posting photos on Instagram and several Moments, I set my phone down. Bear is going to live with Connor so I can go to college. He drops his head on my lap and looks up at me. He knows something's up. I'm so glad Connor has spent a little more time with Bear compared to me so he won't be devastated. For the first few days we had him, I was his mom. But now, Connor is his dad and he loves him the most. I smile as I look down at Bear. My eyes well up and I kiss his nose. He whimpers, feeling my sadness, and licks my tears away.

I giggle softly and hug Bear.

"I'm going to miss you, buddy."

Bear's still confused and stressed but he loosens in my hug.

I hold his face in my hands and rub his ears.

"Promise you'll be a good boy with Connor?"

Bear licks his nose.

I laugh, "Sorry, I meant promise you'll be a good boy and watch Connor?"

Bear huffs through his nose.

"Ok, buddy. You're a good boy."

Bear lays down next to me as I add the new clothes Mom and me went to shop for yesterday in my suitcase. In a small pocket in the suitcase, I place in the many goodbye gifts from the last four days.

My phone dings and I pick it up to see who texted me.

↪ Luca: congrats on graduating!!

My face brightens and I quickly tap on it to reply.

:)) thanks!! you too

↪ hows everything going?

good, good. hard to say bye to everyone but im doing good

↪ also i saw you met someone, im so happy for you <3

really? thanks! he's really sweet

↪ anyways, i need to go pack

↪ bye <3


I set down my phone and frown slightly.

"What a short conversation."

Bear hmphs and leads his heavy head on my leg. I rub his tummy and his tongue lolls out happily.

Connor comes to my doorway and leans on the side. Bear sneezes to greet Connor but stays on his back.

"Dumb ass..."

I grin, "Trick ass."

"How's the packing going?"

I rub Bear's face and look at the suitcase and small backpack in front of me.

"....Good. It's going pretty good."

Connor enters my room and sits down next to me. He tousles my hair playfully.

"I'm so proud of you, y'know."

I smile and turn my shoulders to look at him, "Really? I've never heard you say that before. In fact I've never heard you say anything nice like that before."

Connor grins and strokes Bear's head.

"I know.. I'm sorry I haven't always been the nicest."

I smile as I bite the inside of my mouth, "Me too.."

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