Chapter 10

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It's Saturday.

Five days since I started working at Dog House shelter and a couple weeks since Grandpa passed.

Luca and I've gotten pretty close as friends but my feelings for him are still there. He eyes me like a friend but sometimes I feel something more. But I can't. There's Noah.

Grandma's still with us, bossing around the family, and preaching my parents on how to raise Connor and me. Bear gets a whole lot of attention from Grandma and Connor and I get lectured on how to take care of the dog and things we already do. Grandma suggested we get a poodle and style their fur like Paris poodles but Mom says we already have our hands full with one. Home has felt pretty tense these past few weeks and I'm relieved that school starts two days from today and that Grandma leaves tomorrow.

I'm lying in my bed, reading a book, when my phone buzzes. I pick it up and it's a text from Noah asking if I can come over. His parents are out of town for an emergency and his sister is out with her friends. I swing my legs over the bed and quickly get changed, excited. I'm getting into this relationship thing and I am loving ittt. I get changed into a thin loose sweater and tight sweatpants. Without replying to Noah's message, I sneak past sleeping Grandma and brisk walk to his house. I reach his door and open it with a key he gave me. I lock the door closed and run into his room. Noah sits up from his bed in surprise and puts down his phone. Noah laughs as I push him down to the bed with a hug.

We roll over in our hug and he presses a kiss on my lips. I kiss him back and we make out for a good solid minute. Noah pulls back and we breathe heavily trying to catch out breaths. I sit up, giggling as I push Noah off my lap so I can do so. Noah sits down next to me and lifts me to his lap. I put my legs on either side of him and rest my elbows on his shoulder. I play with his sandy hair and gaze into his hazel eyes. Noah hold me tightly at my waist and kisses my collarbone. He dreamily looks into my eyes which makes my heart melt and my insides flutter. I kiss him and he kisses me back.

"You're so beautiful... how come you've never had a boyfriend before?" he murmurs.

My cheeks flush as I place a hand on his warm cheek, "I don't know. I guess I only had eyes set for you."

Noah grins at me all cute. Then he does it. He places his strong hand on my inner thigh. It's a little too intimate for comfort but I allow it. I don't feel comfortable but it makes my insides go crazy. I hold in my gasp and let Noah pull me closer to him. I let Noah kiss me again and again and I return each kiss.


I'm checking off my shift at Dog House when I hear a yell. It's Susan. I rush into the dog room and see Susan in a cage with a Saint Bernard who's name is Rocky. I run quickly to the cage and Rocky's having a seizure. Her eyes are cloudy, her paws are twitching slightly, and she's stiff on the ground with her legs straight out. My hand flies to my mouth and I yell for others for help. As the other volunteers rush in, I yell to the others that I'll drive and get the car ready. Everything is blurry and it feels like time is moving on time lapse.

I fumble with the keys and watch as helpless Rocky is hurriedly placed into a lined kennel. I see Susan, Rhoda, and a couple other volunteers sit at the back and in the trunk with Rocky and I feel Luca rush into the passenger seat.

I blink to keep the tears of sudden surprise and terror back as I set the car into roaring motion and speed to the emergency animal hospital. In a flash, we're there and everyone's moving as quick as possible to get Rocky into the hospital. We rush into the hospital and the vets quickly take us from her and into the ER. Rhoda, Susan, Luca, and the other volunteers are sitting on the chairs in the waiting area. I'm in the bathroom, trying to catch my breath and steady myself. I've never seen a dog so helpless and scared. It broke me. I clutch my stomach, open the stall and splash my face with cold water at the sink.

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