Chapter 7

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Day 3 of Spring Break


I glance at my phone from my lunch. It's a text from Noah. Connor has his phone propped against the pizza box, watching a video while eating pizza and petting a begging Bear. He looks at my phone.

"Aren't you going to look at it."

I shrug, but after a few seconds I pick it put and tap on the notification.

- hey erin, you free to come over?

I place my phone down on the table.

"Hey Connor, is it ok if I leave after lunch. I'll probably be out for a couple hours."

Connor grins at me, "Yea you can go. I don't mind. I have a couple condoms-"


Connor bursts out laughing and I push him playfully with my foot.

"Ahahaha, sorry Erin, too much fun."

I shoot him a playful fake angry glance and text back Noah.

yeah sure i'm down -

Connor pulls up Bear and puts him on his lap. Bear is crazy when he smells the pizza but he knows better to steal food from the table. Connor peeks at my screen.

"Who's the dude."

I shrug casually, "Noah."

"Whaaat! Congrats Erin. How the heck did that happen?!"

I take another slice of pizza, Bear's eyes bulging out of his sockets.

"Eh, you know... just.. hanging."

Connor raises his eyebrows and stands up, putting Bear back on the ground.

"Well, Bear and I are going to take a dip at the beach today."

"Without me?!"

"Woah.. it's cool. We won't have too much fun."

Connor smirks at me and I grin back. He walks off to his room to get ready. Before Bear trots off to follow him, he looks back at me as if he's asking for permission then walks off happily. I clean up the table and throw the empty pizza box in the trash. Then I walk to my room. Oh my gosh. I'm so excited. I'm going over to Noah's!!!!!!

What to wear... what to wear.... Hm.. I frown, standing in front of my wardrobe, hands on hips. I pull out a high waist casual short skirt that's baby blue and close neck white tee. Over my shirt I put on a thin beige cardigan. I look at myself in the mirror and ruffle and play around with my hair. This looks good enough. I decide I don't need to style my hair so I walk down the stairs to the door.


Bear's ears perks and he runs to me to say bye. And from Connor's room, I hear him shout back.


I hug Bear bye, take the house keys from the key plate and head out. I sigh as I close the door behind me. I wonder when Mom and Dad are coming back. Mom is visiting her parents (Grandma and Grandpa) and I don't even know where Dad is. He probably has some emergency cases or is out with his lady nurse "friend". After a couple minutes of walking, I arrive at Noah's house. I reach the doorsteps where we kissed a couple days ago and reach to press the doorbell. But before I can, a strong hand pulls me from the steps and to the side of the house. I'm panicking until I see the person's face.

"Oh my god. Noah?! You scared me!!"

Noah's looking so adorable. His sandy hair is swooped to one side and his brown eyes are so cute. Noah grimaces and lets go of my arm.

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