Chapter 14

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After many days with the girls and Aria, homework, work, and days moping over Noah, it's finally the Friday or... the day before Halloween!!

Halloween is the best. There are always soo many parties and candy. Sure there's booze and a lot of drunk dudes but they don't bother us. I probably shouldn't go to the parties because so many kids loose their virginity there. Although for som– many people it's not their first. Honestly, I think Halloween parties are just a big excuse to have girls dress rated R and there to be unholy amounts of Halloween candy and booze.

The school group chat dings:

↪ YOOO **IMPORTANT** 5:00 PM to WHENEVER party tomorrow at [address]!!! dont miss it! you know what's up. only for the 'cool kids' man.

The annual Halloween party.

Drinking alcohol is very illegal seeing how we're literally 16-17. I don't drink and neither do my friends. So if the cops catch up we're dead meat. My friends and I usually stay at the parties for only an hour so when it gets around nine, we bolt. The alcohol really hit and people really chug around nine or ten. The parties are usually guarded and made to look real or adults. I look at the address again. It's London's neighborhood! I screenshot the text and copy and send it to Luca.


                         hey is this your address


      there's a party that some kids at
                  my school organized there

yeah it is

that's sweet, is it anyone?

      yeah pretty sure, you can come !


                               there's booze tho :\


illegal much???

yo that's dangerous


   but if you leave before 9 it's all chill


sounds good

do we need costumes?



i wasn't planning on a

       lmao you can just dress in black

           that's what my friend is doing

ahaha ok

i have to go look for something

       smh, still can't believe you don't
                                                    a costume

cmon you really gnna do that 😂😂

see you at 8 ;)
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