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Camila is looking for a job, she has been looking all day and night, in fact, all week since she has left high school. She has been applying online, going to stores even in newspaper ads! she just has no luck. She doesn't understand why because she has perfect grades and a high GPA, in her mind they should be begging her to work for them. But no, they just say 'we're not hiring sorry' or 'No we don't need new workers at the moment' she even got 'you're just too young to work here', She's an adult how can she be too young.

She didn't want to stress though, so she just grabbed the pice of paper she had handed them, then grabbed her phone with a sigh walking out. It was pretty embarrassing because people just saw her get rejected for a job in a book store, that has never happened to anyone.

When she got home to the 3 bedroom house she shares with her mom, dad and little sister. Her mom right away asked if she got any luck, shaking her head with a frown her mom sighed and tapped her back saying 'next time Mija, next time'. Her dad said she doesn't need a job right away after finishing high school, but Camila wants to be independent and have her own money, not rely on her mom and dad all her life.

She texted her best freind Dinah telling her she didn't get a job, her friend said 'if I could I would give you a job here, but they don't want or need new people, sorry Mila' and Camila just replied to the text with an 'it's fine D don't worry about it'. She put her phone down and went downstairs to eat with her family, they watched a bit of tv talking about stuff and then Camila went upstairs and got ready for bed, after a long embarrassing day she needed the rest.


Hey guys, this is the new story I think the chapters are going to be short because there is a lot of chapters, I hope you guys don't mind that. Tell me what you think about this story so far! Please don't forget to vote and follow me! More chapters to come soon! I love you guys see you soon!

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