"Harry, come on baby time for school!" Camila called, he comes down with his toy dinosaur he loves that thing, he walks over to camila smiling.
"Where mama?" He asked, camila points to the living room, Lauren was picking up Harry's toys
"Ok" he said, camila smiles putting his lunch box in the bag
"Lauren" Camila called, she walks over to them smiling
"Yeh?" Lauren asked, camila passed her the car keys
"Come on" Camila said, Harry smiles and camila grabs his jacket and carries on walking to the car, they dive to the school. When they get there Harry holds onto both of their hands and they walks in, they walk to his classroom where other moms and dads where for their kids first day.
"Mommy, mama do you stay all day?" Harry asked, Lauren shook her head
"Just for an hour baby, then we have to go so you can be a big boy" Lauren said, he sighed nodding
"Hello, I'm ms may I'm Harry's teacher for this year" she said, camila nods looking around
"You okay?" Lauren asked, camila nods
"Just I feel like I've been here before" Camila said, Lauren giggles
"Okay" Lauren said, she looks at the teacher and they talk
"Mama...mommy" Lauren and camila look to see Harry with a drawing, it was really good for his age Lauren smiles.
"Well done baby" Lauren said, he says it's a dinosaur and it's easy to tell it is, he even coloured inside the lines.
"Wow, he's really talented" the teacher said, Lauren smiles nodding
"Can it go on the refrigerator?" He asked, Lauren nods
"Of cause" Lauren said, he smiles running off to do more drawings, he loves to draw and does it all the time.
"Harry, it's time for mama and I to go now" Camila said, he sighed walking over hugging her
"Okay mommy" he said, camila smiles and he then hugs Lauren and goes off to draw, Lauren and camila go home.
"Do you think he's going to be okay?"'Lauren asked, camila nods she was lead down with her head on Lauren's lap.
"Yeh, he seems to like it" Camila said, Lauren nods
"Yeh, you're right he does" Lauren said, camila giggles and turns the tv on
"You put his lunch box in his bag right?" Lauren asked, camila giggles lifting her arm and putting her hand on Lauren's cheek.
"Baby, stop worrying" Camila said, Lauren sighed
"I can't, it's the first time he's going to school, there's new kids and kids can be mean, what if he gets bullied?" Lauren asked, camila sighed sitting up and grabbing a wedding magazine.
"Let's plan our wedding" Camila said, Lauren looks confused
"We already have" Lauren said, camila shrugs hiding in Lauren's side
"Maybe there is a few things we want to change" camila said, Lauren nods and they look
"Baby, you want to know the good thing about Harry being in school?" Camila asked, Lauren nods and camila straddles her.
"The alone time" Camila said and grinds her hips into Lauren
"Yeh..." Lauren whispers, camila giggles and kisses Lauren
Soon it was time to pick Harry up, they did and he says bye to everyone and gets in the car, Lauren looks at him and camila shook her head.
"Wait until we get home" Camila said, Lauren nods and drives him as Harry plays with his dinosaur
"So, how was school?" Camila asked, Harry smiles nodding
"Really fun! I did lots of stuff!" He said, camila smiles at Lauren who smiles back nodding as if to say she was right.
"Did you eat all your food?" Camila asked, he nods and she takes his bag and checks, she also gets all of his art work out handing it to Lauren as she goes and washed the food tub.
Camila then goes in the room and listens to Harry talk all about his day and how he made so many new friends, Lauren finally eased up about him going to school because he seems to love it.

FanfictionLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister