Lauren wakes up with camila in her arms, she thinks of last night but shook it off, it's just a stupid comment camila is legal and this relationship is 100% conventual.
"Hmm Lolo, what you thinking about?" Camila asked waking up, Lauren looks at camila kissing her head.
"Nothing, just what I want to eat and do today, how about we have a lazy day?" Lauren asked, camila nods smiling.
"Go make breakfast as I sleep" Camila said, Lauren giggles shaking her head
"That's not how it works-" Camila cuts her off
"Shh you're baby momma" Camila said, Lauren giggles and lays back down holding camila from behind, she kissed camila neck softly and rubs her stomach.
"How about you take a pillow and the blanket downstairs, you can get comfy on the couch as I wake Harry up" Lauren said, camila nods and does that.
"She's so adorable" Lauren mumbled to herself, she gets up waking Harry up, she takes him downstairs and he plays with his toys as Lauren cooks.
"Breakfast is done!" Lauren calls out to the two in the living room
They come out eating and as they was eating, they talk Harry about how much he enjoyed his birthday and the others just about random things.
When they finished eating Lauren cleans the dishes and then goes in the room to see, Harry under the blanket with camila watching sponge bob. Lauren gets under it and camila cuddles her and Harry climbs into Lauren's lap, she smiles wrapping her arms around both of them.
This is basically all they do all day, sit on the couch watching tv, talking about everything and anything sometimes Harry would play with his toys and that's it. They order pizza instead of Lauren cooking, after pizza Harry stays up for another hour before going to bed, Lauren came back down to see camila led down, she smiles climbing on top of camila, camila pulls the blanket over her back and Lauren kisses her and this turns into a make out session.
"Baby, you're making me horny stop" Camila said, Lauren giggles against camilas neck
"And whats so bad about you being horny?" Lauren asked, camila pulls Lauren back
"We can't have sex" Camila said, Lauren frowns
"Why?" She asked
"Because of Harry, now lets go to bed and cuddle" Camila said, Lauren sighed getting up walking upstairs, camila sighed picking up the blanket and pillow following Lauren upstairs.
When she got there she saw Lauren getting changed, she puts the pillow and blanket on the bed and gets dressed herself. They go and brush their teeth and then get in bed, camila cuddles Lauren who kisses her head.
"Night Lolo" Camila said, Lauren nods turning the light off
"Night Camz" she said and they fall asleep

FanfictionLauren-23-rich-has a 2 yearold son-works alot Camila-18-just finished high school-lives with parents and sister